How involved was Chuck in his book

What little I've read seems good but I have heard rumors it's basically a writers take on Liddell's life and making a good book. Now I'll take this anyday over Hughes' brand of bragging and dickheadedness but I just wondered if anyone here knew how involved Liddell got in what went into his book.

How the hell does she know anything about Chuck's level of involvement in his own biography.

Ummm I'd kinda like it from some other source than Kim "Yoko" Couture.

I am not looking to bash Chuck in any way, just if I read it I want to know how much is actually him coming through the pages.

I heard that Chuck, of course, did not write the book but he was heavily involved in how the book was written.  A kind of 'he told the story of his life and someone put the words on paper' type deal. 

Yeah FERA that's what I mean there. I didn't expect Chuck to pull out an 1950's typewriter ala Matt Hughes and type his book but whether it's a sell piece or more real.

I read the book. There are a lot of typos & you have to read a lot of sentences twice in in order to get what he is trying to say. It's a pretty good book though.

I have the book but haven't started to read it yet.  But the impression that I got was that he played a big part in the books development.  So because of that I'm really looking forward to reading it.  I just have to finish "A Fighter's Heart" first.  And I'm almost done!  

Is there anything about Chuck's life that is particularly interesting to anyone that is a non-fanboi? Serious question and not bashing Chack at all.

I care if I am going to bother reading it

I've bought the book, but I haven't started reading it yet.  I still have to finish Matt Hughes book...which I have almost finished.

Actually chuck wrote down all of the page numbers. His ghost writer filled in the rest.

there's a nice part in the book where he calls his brother into the bathroom while antonio is shaving all his body off before a fight

it made me laugh pretty hard

"Who's book would you find interesting if you don't think Chuck's book would be?"

LOL, I've read many interesting biographies. I cant imagine reading a chapter on "my preparation for the Tito fight went great. I sparred twice a day and slept a lot. I cut down on drinking and was super dedicated, etc etc.

I've not read an interesting sports biography yet. It's usually a ton of self indulgence and self love and not a lot of substance. There may be some good ones, but I have not read them.

was it just me or did the book say Ortiz came out to fight with a flag that was half American Flag and half Irish Flag?... this leads me to believe either chuck didn't write the book or is the dumbest person to ever live...

LOL @ MIke!

I am well aware of what a ghostwriter is, thanks anyway.

"Is there anything about Chuck's life that is particularly interesting to anyone that is a non-fanboi?"

Chucks overall life philosophy is very grounded, simple, and, bleieve it or not, disciplined.

This comes through in alot of ways in his book as well as the importance he places on loyalty and "never say die attitude". I think he is... by the far, the toughest guy I have ever known and the book gives you a bit of a glimpse as to what makes him that way, as well as, what bred that in him.

Oh yeah... and he loves him the wimens!

roll2win how good do you think the book is?

i liked the book a lot especially the part where his dad's other kids wanted to meet him and convince him that there are 2 sides to every story and he was like FUCK THAT!!

i love chuck a whole bunch