how long till Bisbing is Champ?

what kinda dumb poll is that?
At least have a realistic selection like Never!

Bisbing might have a chance at being champ for KOTC but even that is doubtfull

GodSaveTheQueen - I think most people, even the ones that don't like him, admit he's very liekly to be holding the belt at some point. Why clutter the forum with unnecessary poll options?

Only someone delusional would think he has a chance against
the Spider or Sonnen.

not even top 10 imo
Good for a brit tho I will give him that

Where do I click "Never"

They should have separate UFC belts just for the British, like affirmative action. If that were the case, I'd say Bisping has a very solid chance at the British 185 belt. VERY solid.

Its a NEVER! Hes not top 10 look it up. And he may beat Akiyama but so did leben and we seen how awesome he did against anderson

How long until Wolfslair has multiple champs?

In all seriousness, the UK trolls get a bad rap. So they pull for their guys? Big deal. Bobby Lupo is loyal to Sakara. Rara always pulls for fellow Fillipinos. Layzie props the 209. If you take them too serious, you're doing it wrong.

That said, I'm glad the "rusty blade" threads have been retired. Talking down opposition was not a good move.

I like Bisping. Sure he's cocky, but he's an exciting fighter too.
Unfortunately the answer is never. He'll never be champion.

it's hard to imagine bisping winning a championship that doesn't involve him faking his way into the special olympics

 He couldnt win the belt in Dream.

 Not gonna happen.

LOL @ the deleted poll.

He'll never be champ in anything higher than the b league.

Bisping is a great talent, look at his fight vs Rashad. However, he's not going to be champion. I actually think if Akiyama comes in with cardio he will beat Bisping.

 I believe Bisping already holds the title of most epic thrash talking backfire.

Every briish person is delusional to even think he is top 10. He will always be worse than Maia, marquardt, palhares, sonnen, silva (obviously), belcher, and I can go on. He is a striker with a weak chin and no KO power, bad combo. Phone Post

For what org? Cause he is a long way away from any ufc belt Phone Post

 I enjoy his fights, but I don't see him being champ.  Not a hater by any stretch and I rooted for him against Hendo so much so that I was actually ko'd by that right as well.


i also looked for the never option