How Many times a day do you check the UG.

 Just curious to see who else is MMA/BJJ nerds like me.  Right now Im laid up Icing my knee, just had ACL I probably check the UG about 20 times a day lol  Its Pathetic yah, but wtf, I got nothing else to do.  Even when im not laid up and Im at work(at a gym) I still check it quite a few times.

during the work week I check the UG 1x per day, on weekends when I'm home at least 20x on Sat, 20x on sunday.

I used to check it everyday.Now maybe once a week.

once a day during the week, several times on weekends. its my main source for news and rumors...

every time i'm on the computer at work and home.

Used to be 15 times a day. Now it's once, maybe...

obsessis - every time i'm on the computer at work and home.


PiousDevil - i just keep it up and constantly refresh.

 Thats my type right there.  I was expecting people to say they check it a dozen times a day, not 1 time a week. 

 im hooked. prolly 20+ a day. its just so convinient with the iphone app. i just wish i could post while using the fucking app.

PiousDevil - i just keep it up and constantly refresh.

 This is what I do on the OG.

The UG rehashes the same arguements over and over and over again. That said, sometimes the UG produces a real gem of a thread so it's worth checking a few times a day.

I consider my UG/OG time the bulk of my day. I check whats happening in my real job every so often.

SpiderRicco - during the work week I check the UG 1x per day, on weekends when I'm home at least 20x on Sat, 20x on sunday.

same as this guy rite here

double poast


 I have the android app so I check it often and anytime I'm on my pc at home. Just wish you coould reply and post from the android app.

 do you mean how many times a day do I leave the UG to check on other things?

I have about 1,000 posts in about 11 years... so not much.

I lurk more than I post.

Before I got the app on my phone, maybe three times a day. Now it's probably 15 or 20.

2 to 3 times a day

2 or 3 times a week