I do 30 minutes every other day. wrist wraps and bag gloves. I work combinations for 2 minutes with good foot work, balance and full power. Then 50 straight 1-2's as fast as i can followed by 50 hooks.
then 1 minute on the speed bag. 1 minute of jump rope. 1 minute rest. repeat.
I wish I had a heavy bag to hit here in mexico. It is a big bit of my training missing at the mo.
I agree with the above, I wouldn`t plan on regularly using MMA gloves to hit the heavy bag at full power. This will screw up your hands arms and shoulders.
i ridgehand strike a bag of rice 1000 times a day each hand
Five rounds twice a week with 16oz gloves.
depends on the equipment you are training with?
Thanks for the warnings. Doing the bag a few times a week makes
most sense. And ahough I'll take my chances developing bitch tits I'd
rather not permanently fuck up my wrists So now I want to get bag
What are the best bag gloves, i.e. best for the money (I'm not afraid to
spend some cash for good quality though). What are the best stores to
shop? And if I'm going to incorporate Muay Thai into my heavybag
workout, should I only look for Thai gloves or will American/Mexican
boxing gloves do just as well?