How much money has Jon Jones lost out on?

What this thread needs is a little misdirection...someone to point out other people's mistakes in a poor attempt to alleviate personal responsibility from Jones. 

If Jon Jones had been able to maintain the image he had when he first started. i.e. nice, likeable, kid from upstate.  No cheating or partying, solid relationship, family-man type thing

Then he lost out on a lot more that fight money and sponsorship income.   He could have been an iconic american athelete like Jordan, Ali, or Woods, and all the money that entails.


Rickmassmma - 
SinCityHustler -
shaqitup - 
chawkins -

However much it is, it's not enough.

He should be fined the entirety of his career earnings and banned for life.

He's a cage fighter, and went through his court proceedings.

What is the significance of him being a cage fighter? Is there a lower standard for cage fighters? Less culpability?

Are you suggestion a man should not be able to fight in a cage for our entertainment because he's done drugs, driven drunk and been in a hit and run accident? Guessing that was dudes point...Jon's not running for president, or applying for a job as an elementary school teacher. He fights people in a cage for a living, and there are people far worse than him fighting in a cage for a living and nobody gives a shit about it because they're not as good at it as he is.

Yeah I have no problem with the drugs or the PED's. I liked it better when it was Tank Abbot and Ken Shamrock in there, drunk, whacked out of their mind on blow, PED's etc. I do wonder how that all affects Jon's interaction with the elementary kids he mentors. Parent's responsibility not ours, but I do find it interesting.

Judge: Jon you're a menace!

Jon: I am sir

Judge: I'm going to sentence you to spend time with children!

Jon: I will be a good roll model sir

Judge: 600 hours with the kids and we're going to film it to deter other criminals from breaking the law!

Jon: I wont disappoint sir

Coming to an elementary school near you.

Honestly, for entertainment outside the cage, there may not be anyone better than Jon Jones.

BrckNoHitBk - 

If he was there comforting that pregnant lady when the cops and paramedics got there it would be different. The POS hit her and took off with her just sitting there. How people can just ignore that is beyond me.


You're ignoring the point he was high as a kite. He was not in his right mind. He couldn't even think straight to flee properly, having to return to the scene of the crime for his belongings. I have faith that a sober Jon Jones at least checks to make sure the woman is alive before he flees. I refuse to believe otherwise.

FrontBroRian - 
BrckNoHitBk - 
Rickmassmma -
SinCityHustler -
shaqitup - 
chawkins -

However much it is, it's not enough.

He should be fined the entirety of his career earnings and banned for life.

He's a cage fighter, and went through his court proceedings.

What is the significance of him being a cage fighter? Is there a lower standard for cage fighters? Less culpability?

Are you suggestion a man should not be able to fight in a cage for our entertainment because he's done drugs, driven drunk and been in a hit and run accident? Guessing that was dudes point...Jon's not running for president, or applying for a job as an elementary school teacher. He fights people in a cage for a living, and there are people far worse than him fighting in a cage for a living and nobody gives a shit about it because they're not as good at it as he is.

Professional athlete. I'd say they are under bigger spotlights and more people, mostly kids look up to them then fucking elementary school teachers.

He has like 2-3 misdemeanor charges in his lifetime. If you don't think anyone with 2-3 should be able to work ever again we'd have tens of millions more homeless people in this country.

Gustafson actually served a year in jail for picking a woman up and slamming her head into the ground. And beat up her boyfriend. And why did he do it? Because he stole their cigarettes and she had the nerve to call him out on it.

I don't see people calling for him to be banned for life .

Did he really do that?

I had no idea he's a smoker.

He has been pulled from 2 fights for disciplinary reasons so that is 2 Reebok Fight Kits that he will never see.

stevekt - He has been pulled from 2 fights for disciplinary reasons so that is 2 Reebok Fight Kits that he will never see.


ABout tree fiddy

On Cocaine? Probably millions

In lost income- easily tens of millions.

crowbar -


Nice try, but your $5.65 off.



15 million or so sounds about right to me.

crowbar -

