How old were you when you began training?

23, now 37.

35, I'm 41 soon to be 42 now.

Previous to Bjj I did judo for 7 years: ages 28 to 35.

Bunch of old ass dudes in this thread.

19 Phone Post



(45 now)

I was 31. Never did any kind of martial art before. Nor any kind of other sport either for that matter. Never done anything consistently until bjj. Got a good school, great group of guys. I'll never quit. Phone Post

33 now 40.

35 I'm 41 now. Phone Post

25, 30 now.


22 Phone Post

25, wish I'd have known that I had a gym right on my doorstep years ago. Phone Post

27, now 33 Phone Post

27, now 44

38, now 41.


I'm almost 37

Average age from responses on this thread so far is 26. (excluding the entry of 75 cause that is bullshit) Phone Post

25, 33 now

 ^ that is fucking wicked!!!  Good for them.  I hope to be one of those guys one day.