How the F do you post a pic here? RIDICULOUS!

Phone Post

Sub Phone Post

Cuzzi - <img src="" / <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

You posted a pic...without a blue name :O

gabe -  

Just tried copying off webiste and using the image button on chrome... appears no problem. What IE are people having issue with. 

The HTML button used to give you a list of functions to choose from, including posting pics. It now just links you to the news page ( It's been like this for quite a long time.

For IE, that is. It works fine for some people.

I personally just type in the code, but it's def a glitch.

 This is what it looks like for me in IE, and I have never had issues posting an image.
As everyone has said it has to be hosted somewhere on the internet.  Click the little icon second from the right, and past in the URL.

Here is what I see on my screen.


I would like to be able to copy/paste from my phone....possible? Phone Post

Imjur app and mancsnet u upload the pic to imjur app then copy it to manvsnet then copy from there to ug hope it helps Phone Post

Phone Post

Cuzzi - Phone Post
4ax0r!!!! Phone Post

On mobile ??? iPhone?
Go here !!

Post pics from App (iPhone)??
Created: 2/4/12
By: lormpino
Is this possible? Phone Post

nightkap - I would like to be able to copy/paste from my phone....possible? Phone Post
Yea find this thread

Post pics from App (iPhone)??
Created: 2/4/12
By: lormpino
Is this possible? Phone Post

Willybone - You mean the industry standard icon of a photo in the upper right corner isn't obvious enough?
You should ask whoever it is that turns on the computer for you. They could probably handle it.

Ooops! HAHA! Really, is it that obvious? Will look again!

Dosantowned - I think the OP probably struggles with those child proof prescription bottles.

I DO!!

How did you no???

The Swinging Richard - Here's a thread with a step by step tutorial on posting both saved images from your computer and images from the web to the forum, sir - ATTN Mods - How do I post pics?

Been here too long to fall for you Mr Rich!

No, many people do not have the icon. It is a glitch. If you have it, then it is that simple.

Cuzzi - Phone Post

I always feeeel like...... somebodie's watchin' meeeeeee

Ok, will attempt.....

Clicked the HTML button on the left (that is not a user friendly icon of a camera...... :( and it says the following:

"You will lose any content in the current editor.
Press OK to switch editors, CANCEL to return to the current editor."

Now, you friggen goombas who told me it is so easy and the icon is right there, fugeddaboudit!

Seriously, this is the best that can be done?

I am using Chrome, BTW.

Kirik - I am not sure I understand the question, as I assume you know how to copy and paste? Did you perhaps inadvertently set Post Body (look jus slightly to the left and up) to Text?

Or do you want hosting? Sometimes people have an image on their desk top and want to post it and do not realize it has to be hosted.

Anyway, with a little further info as to the problem, I am sure we can accomodate.

I know how to copy and paste. I did not change the Post Body to anything. It is at HTML.

I still don't see anything to click, roll over, or activate to post a photo.

Why so hard?

Do I need to become a hacker now?

Jesus it's hard getting old.