How to hack your brain

ttt for ping pong hallucinations!

ttt for ping pong hallucinations!


ThugLife - 
Savitar - 
ThugLife - Figure out a way to convert binary into electrochemical impulses, and not only will you be able to hack into someones brain, but you could download information into your brain as well, instead of reading/learning it.

edit: if you figure out how to do this, youll probably go down as one of the most famous individuals of all time, since you would basically change civilization.

Might as well be trying to turn gold into base metals instead of the other way around. The human mind is infinitely more complex than any machine, and allowed humans a level of creativity that gave us near mastery of the natural world even before the onset of agriculture.

Now you want to simplify it to the level of binary code? So I can play Donkey Kong in my head instead of experiencing the animate world?

i didnt mean simplify the human brain, just figure out a way to translate computer data to a language that can be interpreted, and eventually literally downloaded, into the brain.

wouldnt it be cool if you could have a usb port wired to your brain and you could plug something into it and learn whatever you were plugged into instantaneously?

I think anyone that believes this is truly possible in a functional way is absolutely devaluing the way the human mind makes connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena and stimuli, and can still call organize it and call upon what it has learned, to a "conscious" level.

And I guess it's my opinion anything worth knowing is worth learning. I like the challenge of learning jiu-jitsu, or the use of a carving knife on a block of wood, and the experience of realization...when you finally "get it." There is no substitute for that.

Suppose, if what you're imagining, does come to fruition. Then i think there will be no hope left for humanity because we will have forgotten the sensuous world that we were born into, and by instinct are compelled to experience. But it is the way of the world it seems, to attempt to make men like machines and machines like men.

can we think well enuff to teach a rock how to think?

Artificial Intelligence is created by humans it will
change everything

ttt for hallucinations.

still hoping for some hallucinations. where hte fuck in Rogan when you need him?

I cant believe no one has den teh ping pong ball thing yet. Where is georbraham Linkerton when you need him?


i actually did the power napping thing a few years ago during finals in one of my first pre-med semesters where I overdosed on science and psych classes and had a ton of finals and term papers and lab reports to finish...besides making me a total zombie work-a-holic it went fine after about 5 days...

the ping pong ball thing I've tried as well, however, I was stoned when we attempted it and simply bugged out a bit haha


wow this thread is still alive and twitching

I do a type of polyphasic sleep about 4x per year (starting in about 2003).


1. Dry eye. I'm awake, alert but my eyes feel like they do when swimming in chlorine. Eye drops help a little;

2. Hard to do if you're working a job - I didn't start into it until I had retired;

3. Have to be in a great place diet-wise (low calorie mode) and lower BF% and training consistently or it won't 'kick in';

4. Lasts about 21 days (this is the norm for cycling through supercompensation effects - see the Tour de France where they are in an 'up' mode for three weeks and degrade if they do a rest day);

5. Coming down is quite easy, I just start sleeping in each morning;

6. I can tell when I'm starting into it, takes about 2-3 days to go full-blown;

7. Main symptom for starting into it is urge to post on forums, verbosity, and intense ideation. I also discover I finish cross-word puzzles in about 1/2 the time it usually takes;

8. Yeah, I talk a lot, make jokes;

9. It's a gift (and a curse);

10. Have been doing it for the past 8 years, last one was just after Christmas 2010.


phenompromos - still hoping for some hallucinations. where hte fuck in Rogan when you need him?

 Yeah, no-one had any crazy hallucinations yet?!

remember this timeless gem?

I'm in day 10 of the latest polyphasic cycle. Had one in June, had one in Feb 2012.