dont bend at the waste or move your head
Kid Justice is correct.
Scott Sonnon has an instructional that teaches it very extensively
Get the largest bottle of vodka, thats a start..
since 3 of the 4 current heavyweight boxing champions are Russian/Ukrainian, maybe there is something to learning the Russian style
A friend of mine called Steve Rudic who will probably box for Australia in the next Olympics went and trained in Russia for a couple of months...
He ended coming back early, saying that "they wern't doing anything different to what we do here in Aus...Just had more numbers"
I don;t think olympic rules would allow that kind of punch - don't you only connect with the front of your glove, where the white part is?
What did he do for the nose warm up? I do that, warm palms, squeeze nose between, and move in a circle both ways. My nose remarkably resembles a ski jump, is why.
''I think hes talking about how Vovchanchin and Fedor throwing wide casted punches hitting with the side of the fist which is an illegal tecninique in orthodox Boxing.''
i would be legal, depending on which part of the glove impacted, from my understanding.
''Fedor has an iron chin and hits very hard. I have a feeling that has a lot to do with it. Same with Igor.''
bsrizpac, that's a dumb statement. you put ANY top 30 boxer from ibf, wbc, etc in the cage and they will have an iron chin compared to anyone who does mma. does that mean it's their chin not their technique?
No, Slick, I was trolling about training under a world class product of the soviet boxing system. I just got really lucky a couple years ago when, during the course of said trolling, I predicted how that same style and region was going to take over boxing as they already had done to MMA. And listen to the guys on this thread with 3, 4, and sometimes even 5 or 6 months of heavybag work at the local YMCA. They definitely have enough knowledge and experience on the subject to tell people that the Russian style just plain does not work in boxing or MMA.
Now the streetboxing stuff, that was 100 percent legit.
You could aslo go to the expert Q&A and ask Scott Sonnon. He has trained extensively in Russia and recently won a San Shou match
BeerMuscles' is right. I've been around boxing for some time and
different trainers have different ways of throwing punches.
I remember talking to Razor Ruddick a long time ago before his second
fight with Tyson. He was explaining to me the right hand he used so
often to put people to sleep. Basically you throw it in a way that almost
detaches your shoulder. Using your arm more like a whip. You can
still put body weight behind the punch. It feels very akward like your
shoulder is going to slip out of its socket, but it does deliver hard and
extremely fast.
BTW Ruddick did dislocate his shoulder more than once in fight. But
just look at him vs. Dokes and you'll see how effective the punch can
Brian P.
if its green lick it clean
from what i remember at the seminar, he placed a lot of emphasis on utilizing your shoulders while punching in order to get more power and reach from them. he also said to imagine the punch was being thrown like a rock connected to a thread. imo, i found a lot of parallels between his and Coach Sonnon's materials.
It must have been awesome training with the Champ!
I never heard of nose warmups before!
That last pic looks like Fedor and two long forgotten Frankenstein experiments! That boxing dude is HUGE