how would hardy vs alves go??

 would be an exciting standup brawl......

 it would go very badly for Hardy

Jeeze Jsteven and Sagiv, that exact phrase ran through my head when I saw the title. Probably everyone else outside of the UK as well.

 Brilliant fight.  Alves by beastliness and better everything. 

would love to see it!!!! 

This would be terrible for Hardy.

According to Dana’s pre-fight hype of GSP vs. Hardy, Hardy’s stand-up is “perfect”, so you know Hardy would have this in the bag!

Big Hardy fan here, but he gets KO'd by Alves.

Alves vs Daley was the fight to make. Come on Dana, let Daley back in, some of your poster boys have done way worse than throw a left hook after the bell.

 For some reason I think Hardy would take this one.

Sagiv Lapkin -  Badly for Hardy.

doerksenfan - According to Dana’s pre-fight hype of GSP vs. Hardy, Hardy’s stand-up is “perfect”, so you know Hardy would have this in the bag!

You could tell Dana just said that out of his ass by the expression on his face. Just like any great promoter he does whatever necessary to sell the fight, even though in his head he knew Hardy had no fuckin chance in hell.

doerksenfan - According to Dana’s pre-fight hype of GSP vs. Hardy, Hardy’s stand-up is “perfect”, so you know Hardy would have this in the bag!

Gotta love Dana. Also remember, Nover is the next Anderson Silva, lol.

Better fight than Alves/Fitch. Would have LOVED to have seen Semtex and Alves throw hands.

 Alves would crush little red riding hawk

think it would be a great match-up between two good strikers. I think both's striking is over rated but this would be a great fight