Huerta beef w/ Baroni/Swick

 Does anyone know what happened with these guys?I enjoyed watching them all drinking cobra blood in Thailand with Baroni wearing his helmet the whole time.


Sub for answers Phone Post


Swick ended business relations with Huerta earlier this week. They no longer run the gym together.

Tt Phone Post

Sick bailed on Huerta about a week ago. During Huerta's fight week. Phone Post

*swick Phone Post

wow not a good week for Huerta

hubris - wow not a good week for Huerta

Yep. His friendship with Swick went to shit and I guess it seems he had a falling out with Baroni as well, and than to top it off he gets soccer kick ko'd. He has definitely seen better days.

they all seemed like good buds in that vid........very weird

Hey guys, sorry haven't been on. Just to set the record straight, I didn't bail on Roger. Roger and I owned the same amount of the company and neither of us could fire or kick out the other. There is a lot that everyone doesn't know and out of respect, it will stay that way. Due to certain circumstances, we decided to go very separate routes. Roger knew we weren't doing the project together before his fight week(And My Tweet) and I am shocked that he would say that stuff in that video.

This gym has been a passion of mine for over 10 years and I have put a lot of work into it. I also have a team in Thailand that has put a lot of work in as well. We will not quit. I will continue with my business partners to build my dream gym in Phuket. It will be branded, supported and to the standards of Team AKA as well now.

Thanks for the support guys!


Wheels33 - Roger is going to get his head smashed again in August when he fights Kurt Southern.

Seriously, that fight HAS to be off, right? No way anyone would let him fight two months after what happened last week. No way.

Later Phone Post

Mike Swick - Hey guys, sorry haven't been on. Just to set the record straight, I didn't bail on Roger. Roger and I owned the same amount of the company and neither of us could fire or kick out the other. There is a lot that everyone doesn't know and out of respect, it will stay that way. Due to certain circumstances, we decided to go very separate routes. Roger knew we weren't doing the project together before his fight week(And My Tweet) and I am shocked that he would say that stuff in that video.

This gym has been a passion of mine for over 10 years and I have put a lot of work into it. I also have a team in Thailand that has put a lot of work in as well. We will not quit. I will continue with my business partners to build my dream gym in Phuket. It will be branded, supported and to the standards of Team AKA as well now.

Thanks for the support guys!

always classy

Must have been something big to ruin that friendship, they seemed close. Roger must have made out with swick's girl or something. Messed up brah! 

Why the fuck is roger trying to fight legit guys at 170? He should be at 55 or under and even then he will struggle. Guy appears to have a ton of talent but Is a trail wreck Phone Post

Mike Swick - Hey guys, sorry haven't been on. Just to set the record straight, I didn't bail on Roger. Roger and I owned the same amount of the company and neither of us could fire or kick out the other. There is a lot that everyone doesn't know and out of respect, it will stay that way. Due to certain circumstances, we decided to go very separate routes. Roger knew we weren't doing the project together before his fight week(And My Tweet) and I am shocked that he would say that stuff in that video.

This gym has been a passion of mine for over 10 years and I have put a lot of work into it. I also have a team in Thailand that has put a lot of work in as well. We will not quit. I will continue with my business partners to build my dream gym in Phuket. It will be branded, supported and to the standards of Team AKA as well now.

Thanks for the support guys!

Cool Phone Post


Hong Kong Phooey - 
Mike Swick - Hey guys, sorry haven't been on. Just to set the record straight, I didn't bail on Roger. Roger and I owned the same amount of the company and neither of us could fire or kick out the other. There is a lot that everyone doesn't know and out of respect, it will stay that way. Due to certain circumstances, we decided to go very separate routes. Roger knew we weren't doing the project together before his fight week(And My Tweet) and I am shocked that he would say that stuff in that video.

This gym has been a passion of mine for over 10 years and I have put a lot of work into it. I also have a team in Thailand that has put a lot of work in as well. We will not quit. I will continue with my business partners to build my dream gym in Phuket. It will be branded, supported and to the standards of Team AKA as well now.

Thanks for the support guys!

always classy

Yeah he is. And determined too. Anything Swick puts his mind to, he succeeds.
