I don't know if this is typical (don't usually get the USA Today newspaper), but there is a huge four page UFC pull out spread for tonights event. It's very well done. It also has Brock on the front page of the sports and a full back page ad about tonights event. It's remarkable how mainstream the UFC has become in a short time. This spread is like a Super Bowl preview.
They also had a whole segment on Sportscenter yesterday with Rashad in the studio.
great to see MMA getting huge coverage, but i've got to point something out....
the fact that the UFC received massive coverage in the USA Today on the exact same day that the paper ran the UFC's full-page, ultra-expensive ad is no coincidence. it just shows that the USA Today offered coverage in exchange for the purchase of the ad. i used to work in ad sales, so i know how this game works. it shouldnt be allowed, but its the norm.
I think 116 will do very well on PPV