I thought it was a misprint but he def looked it.
Now Im the last one to judge a fighter on physique but at 5'10 why would Hunt come in 30 pounds heavier than usual?
I thought it was a misprint but he def looked it.
Now Im the last one to judge a fighter on physique but at 5'10 why would Hunt come in 30 pounds heavier than usual?
Hasnt Hunt been 290 for a little while now..? Anyhow, it definately showed last night....horrible cardio and slow hands.
Hunt is notorius for being lazy in training. He has announced his retirement more times than i can remember. He would rather just chill and play videogames
Just think what he could do if he got SERIOUS about consistent conditioning. The guy has insane ability.
yes. Maybe 5'11". But definately under 6".
"Just think what he could do if he got SERIOUS about consistent conditioning. The guy has insane ability"
so true... what a shame
Hunt appears taller than 5'10. If that's the case he's about the same height as David Tua, who for some reason looks shorter and more compact even though he weighs about 40 pounds less than Hunt.
Ive never seen Hunt at 292 before. Even if he was he wasnt nearly as sloppy.
Ive seen him in the low 270s which is still way too high for his size and build.
He's always been fighting in Pride for the payday and barely ever trained at full tilt for K-1.
I like Hunt but he is not going to enjoy a very long life at 5'10" 290. For God's sake he is putting James Toney to shame.