Hunt fight a result of a lawsuit?

He did sign that PRIDE contract,right? Guess he didn't have a good lawyer to look it over and foresee that he could be frozen out or whatever.

 The pro-Zuffa sentiment here is worse than I thought.

You are saying he should have predicted that Zuffa would buy PRIDE and he shouldnt have signed the PRIDE contract he signed in 2004 because of that?

Kai Tremeche - Why is he saying he's frozen out from fighting when he's fought since?

 He was frozen out, obviously as Zuffa were in the wrong and were facing a lawsuit they let him fight elsewhere to appease things.

EckY - 
Kai Tremeche - Why is he saying he's frozen out from fighting when he's fought since?

 He was frozen out, obviously as Zuffa were in the wrong and were facing a lawsuit they let him fight elsewhere to appease things.

 Or he simply fought because he neded the money and hoped that he would prevail in court should it come to that.

Whatever the resoning, he gets to fight now and I can't wait to see that tough bastard throw down. Have always loved watching Hunt smash and destroy.

Zuffa pays for company assets, including contracts, and then shouldn't protect those assets?

Are you all retarded?

Dana is leaning on what was already agreed upon. It would have been in Hunt's contract that he signed with PRIDE that his contract is transferable, otherwise he wouldn't be where he is today. Mark Hunt signed it, it was agreed upon, and the transfer happened. They just have to deal with it.

For all the Dana haters iirc he recently let el Dirte fight in a regional show while under contract obligation to the UFC. So it is not like there is no lateral whatsoever in these kind of negotiations with Zuffa.

 They also told el Dirte if he lost he was cut.

Doerksen was booked for that fight before he stepped in to replace an injured Tim Credeur anyway.

Don't believe this, I know they had previous contractual relations but I Have a feeling dana is only saying this in response to people asking why Hunt was signed if hunt was coming off a loss.

Nothing shady imo, just dana stretching the truth to see if hunt or the giant have something useful he can build on.