I Believe in Hammers Hamil

 He's not the hero the UG deserved...but the hero we needed.


Lmfao Phone Post

The UG takes heroes, chews them up, and spits them out.

some trolling going on here lately by people in high places. UG is a bunch of fickle pussies for most part mixed in with some very intelligent and skilled individuals. Too much sifting through shit to find any worthwhile stuff usually though

Bill Pharoni - The UG takes heroes, chews them up, and spits them out.

The league of shadows aka Zuffa have sent Bane aka DFW jr to break HH. A hero will rise.

When one falls , another shall rise in his place ...... Phone Post

I can has romos?

Ok, I have no clue wtf is going on with this whole Hammers Hamil situation.

Can someone give me some cliffs? What did HH post about? Who was he purported to be? How did he gain so much popularity? What got Dana White involved? Etc...

Lorenzo= Ra's Al Ghul Phone Post

Holy rusty rumors, Batman! Pow! Zap!

Save HH!!!

SeeEsDub - Lorenzo= Ra's Al Ghul <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>


 LOL  this shit is hilarious!

 I believe in HH!

TTT Phone Post



Agreed, brah...Foo Fighters >>> Nickelback all day long.

I was just trying to convey a message.