Do you sell video instructionals, but need someone to take care of the actual work of processing the orders and shipping out the products?
If so, please send an email to to find out how I can assist you!!
Adam LaClair
Do you sell video instructionals, but need someone to take care of the actual work of processing the orders and shipping out the products?
If so, please send an email to to find out how I can assist you!!
Adam LaClair
post mo smith vs kazunari free here now!
Guys, with all due respect - if you don't SELL instructionals, you do not belong on this particular thread, unless you want to give it a friendly "ttt" Thank you.
Well then in all honesty neither do you. This is a MMA site to discuss MMA topics. Not a place to promote your video services. If you want to do that then buy yourself some advertisement space on here. I'm not trying to be a jerk but thats the truth.
Rob Gray,
Do you see that my name is Blue? That means I have a PAYING membership on this site. Do you see the gray business information under that name? That means I have a PAYING BUSINESS MEMBERSHIP as well. I have every right to advertise my business on this MMA forum, as that is EXACTLY what the business membership is for.
Please learn the rules of the forum before you go insulting one of the people who PAY to support your FREE membership. Frankly, you are WAY out of line.
Having said all that, it supports MMA for me to advertise my services to other businesses that are teaching MMA or producing products related to MMA.
Adam LaClair
This annoucement brought to you by the makers of "bitch slap" and "oh my gawd"
You have been served! by Adam Laclair
TTT for Adam Laclair! He deserves it after that fine retort. And he deserves your trust... as well as your business.
TT for adam!
Rob, can I take that soapbox for you? I don't think you'll be standing on it anymore.
Thank you for the support guys! :-)
LOL...sometimes better to remain silent and thought ignorant, than to speak up, and remove all doubt.
Shoot me an email to and let me know what you've got in mind, but the answer is "yes" - I can fulfill dvd orders for any topic.
Friendly ttt :-)
My name is Adam
Thank you Kirik! :-)
Could you come film an event, make the dvd, sell the DVD and give me the money? lol