I have let myself become a fatboy over the last year and a half and now it is about to bite me in the ass. I was notified Monday that I was in the selection process for advancement at work. The problem is there will be a PT test involved in the selection. The PT test is simple but I am still very concerned. The test is......
25 strict push-ups.....18 sit ups in 1 minute.....1rep benchpress of 65% of bodyweight starting from the down position.....1.5mi run in 16:25.....300meter sprint in 1min....500m swim untimed.
The things that really concerns me is the run and sprint and maybe the pushups. I have suspected this was coming for about 3 weeks and have been trying to get into the gym and on the tread mill as often as I could and cleaned up my diet with only lean proteins (salmon, chicken, etc.and plain salads, no sugars, lots of water). The test will be Mar 8 so Monday I took 4 weeks of vacation to totally immerse myself in training. I have been in the gym everyday this week but now think I should seek expert advice.
I have been doing about a 12 min mile on the treadmill for one mile 3x a week, and at least an hour on the Cross Country Skier everyday, the last 4 minutes of the hour I usually try to knock out a Tabata 2 or 3 times a week. I am hesitant to actually do alot of running off of the treadmill because of a long history of shin splints. I have also started taking a protein shake a glutamine
I have the following at my disposal.....Cross Country Skier, Tread Mill, Stepper, full weight room, sauna, steam room, Olympic pool, a massage therapist, physical therapist, whirl pool, yoga classes 4x week, Pilates 3x a week, the Bas workouts, a heavybag and of course Scrappers stuff.