I knew Silva

Didn't juice!! He said it was a mistake, I beleive him!!

You people are quick to judge, now apologise to the GOAT Phone Post 3.0

I apologize for posting on this thread.

ghost of beatmeov - I apologize for posting on this thread.
Your name gets a VU Phone Post 3.0

I want to believe.... Phone Post 3.0

Part of me thinks he had to be prescribed some sort of steroid in order to heal and rebuild that horrible break

cycklops - 

Part of me thinks he had to be prescribed some sort of steroid in order to heal and rebuild that horrible break

He got caught over a year after the leg break which was healed by then.

cycklops -

Part of me thinks he had to be prescribed some sort of steroid in order to heal and rebuild that horrible break

During training camp? Phone Post 3.0

cycklops -

Part of me thinks he had to be prescribed some sort of steroid in order to heal and rebuild that horrible break

Pretty sure that's what it was, even if u wernt competing in sports I gotta think any doctor would prescribe a steroid for a break like that Phone Post 3.0

slicedcity -
cycklops -

Part of me thinks he had to be prescribed some sort of steroid in order to heal and rebuild that horrible break

Pretty sure that's what it was, even if u wernt competing in sports I gotta think any doctor would prescribe a steroid for a break like that Phone Post 3.0
Come on, guy. Phone Post 3.0

Masteron is a cutter trouble making weight perhaps? Phone Post 3.0

He said he didn't use it, trust the man.
He wouldn't lie Phone Post 3.0

Look, if he's puposely and knowingly taking a PED then he should be held accountable but it doesn't seem that far out of the realm of possibility that, although healed, that leg is still in repair mode. I don't know.


Every time these fucks get caught they initially deny deny deny then after the initial wave of anger they accept it. Just own that shit out right.

i believe silva yo, i don't know why, but i do

Richard Roe - 
cycklops -

Part of me thinks he had to be prescribed some sort of steroid in order to heal and rebuild that horrible break

If that was true them he'd just have to say so and all would be forgiven because it was doctor prescribed and easily proven. But he said he did not use anything and denied it from the start. Phone Post 3.0

That's the part that doesn't sit right, the fact that it's the denial stage. It seems like it's a stalling tactic in these situations. Like, just deny it til they run more tests and hopefully it'll be inconclusive or some shit, then we'll be good.


Shaggy was right. "It wasn't me." I saw you on the counter. "It wasn't me." You were bangin on the sofa. "It wasn't me."

Jesus, get over it.

cycklops -

Part of me thinks he had to be prescribed some sort of steroid in order to heal and rebuild that horrible break

You don't get prescribed masteron and andro dude Phone Post 3.0

My mom just told me Santa Claus is real, i freaking knew it!

You guys are quick to judge, now apologise to Santa!

I can't wait to pop this when Anderson is not guilty Phone Post 3.0

BeauTown - I can't wait to pop this when Anderson is not guilty Phone Post 3.0

slicedcity -
cycklops -

Part of me thinks he had to be prescribed some sort of steroid in order to heal and rebuild that horrible break

Pretty sure that's what it was, even if u wernt competing in sports I gotta think any doctor would prescribe a steroid for a break like that Phone Post 3.0
They aren't even the same type of steroid haha, you guys need to do some googling. Phone Post 3.0