i love you guys!!!

I've been thinking about this fight all week.

WAR CREEPY!! Phone Post

good luck! I remember being on the same card as you at total combat in like 08 watched you beat the brakes off kevin dunsmoor?? I think? I remember saying at the time if they open up the weight classes that guy will be something special in the UFC..

You won first time and you'll win again tonight. We love you uncle creepy!!!!!!!!!!! Phone Post

May you fight with the strength of 10 full grown men Ian.


WAR CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There isn't a doubt in my mind you will dominate this guy Ian! You will finish him. You will win the title.

It's only a matter of time.

Uncle Creepy - First UFC Flyweight Champion of the world. Get used to hearing that my friend :) Phone Post

thanks for keeping in touch man

good luck


Usually watch fights just to see slick subs and nasty ko"s. can legit say this is the first time I'll be rooting for a fighter like I do my blackhawks. Awesome dude that Ian McCall is.

Fuck trying to make this one entertaining. Win it and win it big sir. Phone Post

Go get em' creepy!!! Phone Post

Cum on creepy ! U got this !
Gd luck out there and bring the ug a highlight reel finish of mighty mouse !! Phone Post

Bring that belt home! You deserve it!

Creepy, you sir are a true warrior and will be champ. Good luck tonight get it done... Phone Post

War Creepy!

Been looking forward to this more than any other fight, all the best creepiest of creepy people!' Phone Post

Good luck Ian, you can smash this guy.

Rocking the ugctt tank top at Disney world today. War creepy! Phone Post

 As Larry The Cable Guy would say......

Git R' Done!!!

-Until Uncle Creepy!!!!

KurtIce - You got this man he has no hear!!! Phone Post
Might Mouse is deaf? I never knew that!

Learn something new every day Phone Post