I need a fight!

I have been on down time for a few months and my perfectly scuplted abs and beach body have taken a turn for the worse. I need a fight. If for no other reason . . then so I can train full speed again and re discover my super sexy cage fighter look! I will fight anywhere between 185 and 215 pro. Email me at xfa_mma@hotmail.com

 ttt for scott and coffee county!

TTT Get the man a fight!

TTT for the perfectly scultpted abs and beach body!

Pete - Working on one now for maybe end of July. Working on venue issues now.


Absolutely no love going on here! A PIMP such as myself should not have to be TTTng my own thread.

TTT for Scott "OIL CAN" Harper

Get this man a fight ASAP

Peace Blue


and pete...I can't believe you will be able to fight with ta torn acl. ouch

Looking for Pro LHW and Flyweight for 7/19/09

(19) [189] by Heddy  

You want a fight??? JUMP WEIGHT!!! Come on, JUMP WEIGHT!!! I'll smash your eyes.

travenbjj -  It is partially torn and was told not to train for 3 months.  But I have been sparring for about 2 week and it feels pretty good.   I am just tired of being injured or having guys back out of fights.

 Thats awesome. I cant imagine trying to fight like that

TTT..there you go Pimp! Somebody get this man a fight!

 ttt, now quit whinin