Awesome haha
this has potential, but you guys have to apply the shoop to an environment that suits the smile.
i.e. the background has to match the emotion of the face.
Thought i would make Cindy's son's face as a png so this would be quicker for the other photoshoppers. Now you dont have to marquee around his face, just throw this into any picture you want to edit
Direct Link:
This forum is skewing the photo so theres the direct link up top for the original in proper ratio.
Wow great pics
Image Much Larger when you save the original. Just rescaled on this forum
Mike Russell -
great stuff. its perfect Mike!
Rickmeister -CindyO -lookoutawhale -let me know if you need some help.
When Mike posts his picture knock yourself out! He's getting greedy because he has seen some of the UG romos in the past=) Thanks!
God I hate people signing every post with a passion.
Me too.
haha cool. looks like a great kid