Fight 6
Masakatsu Funaki (Masfu) vs Takaku Fuke
Fuke catches a Funaki low kick and hits a single leg, he momentarily takes top side but Masfu hits an elbow ( escape comes up and takes Fuke down with a single leg. Fuke hip escapes grabs a whizzer and tries to throw Funaki but Masfu hits a beautiful float over, Fuke rolls to avoid Masfu taking his back and Masfu takes top side. Masfu immediately tries to hit an armbar on the close arm but Fuke rolls up with him stacking and gets huis arm out of danger landing in Masfu’s guard. He drags Masfu away from the ropes and Masfu up kicks him as he attempts to pass to top side. Masfu tries to hit the same elbow escape but only gets to his knees. Fuke spins to Masfu’s back but Masfu hits a shoulder roll (like this and takes top side then mount. Fuke gives up his back and Masfu tries for an armbar from the back, Fuke rolls with it and ends up in Masfu’s guard. Fuke steps straight over to side control and grabs a kimura grip on an arm as Masfu escapes, Fuke attempts to land the kimura but Masfu floats around Fuke taking top position and clearing his arm. Fuke gives up his back and Masfu Joachim Hansen rolls ( securing the back and getting a choke grip but Fuke defends. Funake grabs an armbar grip and Fuke uses a rope escape Fuke shoots for a single but his head is on the outside and Masfu gets his leg back and takes his back. He only has one hook in so while he attempts a choke Fuke is able to roll him free and take top position. Masfu hits the elbow escape again but doesn’t return to his feet fast enough and allows Fuke to take his back. Fuke tries for an armbar from the back and the switches to a triangle. Masfu uses a rope escape. He does not seem happy and comes out at the restart with a body kick that Fuke catches and truns into a single leg Masfu tries to roll Fuke over, still ends up on bottom but was halfway out Fuke’s back he completes the back take and secures a choke and Fuke puts his foot on the ropes. Fuke hits a double on the restart steps over to mount then around to side control trying to scarf hold Masfu he switches to an armbar but Masfu’s defense is solid and he pulls his arm out and jumps on a straight ankle lock. They play footsies for short time and the ref stand them up. Masfu comes out swinging and gets double legged but maintains his guard this time Fuke tries to grab a leg lock but Masfu swtches himself into a better leg lock position and ends up holding what looks like a figure four leg lock. Fuke doesn’t seem worried by it and escapes the leg entanglement passes and tries for an armbar before returning to mount and attempting another armbar. Masfu rolls up with it gets his arm out drags Fuke to the centre of the ring. He passes to mount Fuke gives up his back and Masfu attacks an arm and then a triangle Fuke uses and escape. Masfu shoots in this time with a single leg and manages to grab a modified arm triangle in transition drawing out the tap fun little grappling match. I get the feeling Masfu was letting Fuke work a bit so the match was exciting.
Result: Masfu by arm triangle