I will review every pancrase event

Fight 6

Masakatsu Funaki (Masfu) vs Takaku Fuke

Fuke catches a Funaki low kick and hits a single leg, he momentarily takes top side but Masfu hits an elbow (http://s3.amazonaws.com/br-cdn/temp_images/2013/12/21/Barnett3.gif) escape comes up and takes Fuke down with a single leg. Fuke hip escapes grabs a whizzer and tries to throw Funaki but Masfu hits a beautiful float over, Fuke rolls to avoid Masfu taking his back and Masfu takes top side. Masfu immediately tries to hit an armbar on the close arm but Fuke rolls up with him stacking and gets huis arm out of danger landing in Masfu’s guard. He drags Masfu away from the ropes and Masfu up kicks him as he attempts to pass to top side. Masfu tries to hit the same elbow escape but only gets to his knees. Fuke spins to Masfu’s back but Masfu hits a shoulder roll (like this https://45.media.tumblr.com/969db89ecf99b2c41d096e62c0cc4d77/tumblr_nrpguvJoSb1sk0i2mo1_250.gif) and takes top side then mount. Fuke gives up his back and Masfu tries for an armbar from the back, Fuke rolls with it and ends up in Masfu’s guard. Fuke steps straight over to side control and grabs a kimura grip on an arm as Masfu escapes, Fuke attempts to land the kimura but Masfu floats around Fuke taking top position and clearing his arm. Fuke gives up his back and Masfu Joachim Hansen rolls (https://gfycat.com/EuphoricMaleHerculesbeetle) securing the back and getting a choke grip but Fuke defends. Funake grabs an armbar grip and Fuke uses a rope escape Fuke shoots for a single but his head is on the outside and Masfu gets his leg back and takes his back. He only has one hook in so while he attempts a choke Fuke is able to roll him free and take top position. Masfu hits the elbow escape again but doesn’t return to his feet fast enough and allows Fuke to take his back. Fuke tries for an armbar from the back and the switches to a triangle. Masfu uses a rope escape. He does not seem happy and comes out at the restart with a body kick that Fuke catches and truns into a single leg Masfu tries to roll Fuke over, still ends up on bottom but was halfway out Fuke’s back he completes the back take and secures a choke and Fuke puts his foot on the ropes. Fuke hits a double on the restart steps over to mount then around to side control trying to scarf hold Masfu he switches to an armbar but Masfu’s defense is solid and he pulls his arm out and jumps on a straight ankle lock. They play footsies for short time and the ref stand them up. Masfu comes out swinging and gets double legged but maintains his guard this time Fuke tries to grab a leg lock but Masfu swtches himself into a better leg lock position and ends up holding what looks like a figure four leg lock. Fuke doesn’t seem worried by it and escapes the leg entanglement passes and tries for an armbar before returning to mount and attempting another armbar. Masfu rolls up with it gets his arm out drags Fuke to the centre of the ring. He passes to mount Fuke gives up his back and Masfu attacks an arm and then a triangle Fuke uses and escape. Masfu shoots in this time with a single leg and manages to grab a modified arm triangle in transition drawing out the tap fun little grappling match. I get the feeling Masfu was letting Fuke work a bit so the match was exciting.

Result: Masfu by arm triangle https://66.media.tumblr.com/d63dfa1c7126c50622e48b1d1d2db59e/tumblr_ngh8886QDW1u2ragso3_250.gif

Fight 7

Minoru Suzuki vs Thomas Puckett

Thomas Puckett will eventually retire with an 0-5 record. This is a serious squash match Suzuki styles on this poor guy for about 2 minutes before nearly pulling his arm off.

Fight start. Puckett shoots for a double gets sprawled on by Suzuki. Misu spins to the back then rolls Puckett over and takes top side, but they end up in the ropes and a break is called.

Misu low kicks Puckett who grabs his leg. They end up in a wrestling tie up and Misu hits an awesome cross knee tap (https://giant.gfycat.com/GeneralAppropriateHochstettersfrog.gif) and takes top side. Puckett gives up his back in an attempt to escape but misu rolls him over takes his back again breaks him down and jumps past his legs back over to secure top side. He fakes going for an armbar to secure the kimura grip threatens with a head scissors before switching to an armbar and nearly take Puckett’s elbow home with him.


Misu wins by super stylish arm murder (https://giant.gfycat.com/ConsciousDamagedAnemoneshrimp.gif)

Final thoughts

Those two 30 minute fights are an absolute slog to get through they almost killed the thread for me but otherwise there was some fun action seeing the all the top four guys in pancrase pick up wins in dominating fashion. Fight of the night goes to Funaki vs Fuke as it was some very active fun grappling action with some unorthodox techniques. Watching Ken shamrock absolutely destroy Ryushi Yanagisawa was fun too.

7/10 would be a 9 if those two full length fights were a) more exciting or b) shorter



Pancrase: road to the championship 1

Fight Card

Manabu Yamada vs Katsuomi Inagaki

Scott Bessace vs Matt Hume

Rutten vs Takahashi

Toon Stelling vs Takaku Fuke

Ken Shamrock vs Frank Lobman (kick boxing)

Minoru Suzuki vs Maurice Smith (mixed rules)

Masakatsu Funaki vs Gregory Smit

Fight 1

Manabu vs Inagaki

Fight Start. Manabu is pretty short but the dude has talent also a pair of stylish purple spedoos. He shoots for a single realises he isn’t going to get it And transfers to a kneebar like Palhares did to fitch (https://thumbs.gfycat.com/InsecureDecimalGuernseycow-size_restricted.gif) in WSOF. He gets the leg straight and Inagaki tries to kick his hands off and pull on his wrists to escape. Manabu switches his grips and yanks on the knee like an absolute motherfucker. Inagaki shows stupid levels of budo again nut finally Manabu breaks something important and Inagaki verbally taps. Doctors and people spend several minutes checking Inagaki.

Result: Manabu wins via Knee Destruction

Fight 2

Swole Flanders vs Mighty Mouse’s coach

Bessac was interviewed quite recently by someone from the ug and its quite interesting (http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/news/Firstborn-Lion-The-Scott-Bessac-Interview-Part-1-457264). Hume has Maurice Smith in his corner and looks a bit apprehensive. Bessac is fucking huge compared to Hume.

Fight start they trade a few shots with little effect and fall into a clinch in which Hume looks like a baby, despite the size difference Hume ends up hitting a very nice lateral drop/ belly to belly suplex straight into top side. Bessac is holding onto a headlock which is not ideal and he gets slapped hard in the face a few times. Hume cross faces Bessac and gets his head clear and starts working to isolate arms. He hits a few nice body shots and Bessac rolls trying to escape Hume takes his back and chokes him the fuck out.

Result: Hume Wins by grappling domination

Fight 3

Takahashi vs Rutten

Fight start. Takahashi shoots but eats a half power knee to the face. Bas’ takedown defense remains non existant so Takahashi finishes the shoot landing in bas’ guard. Bas tries for a head arm choke but Takahashi defends passes on of Bas’ legs up and spins to a kneebar. Bas follows him up though and manages to get his leg out of danger and grabs an inverted heel hook and cranks the shit out of it. Takahashi grabs the ropes but Bas obviously heard something go because he looks worried. Takahashi also takes some time standing. Turns out his shin was almost snapped through because he finishes the job by throwing a leg kick at Bas and turning his own lower leg into a pair of nunchakus. Bas pulls out of a soccer kick realising that Takahashi is royally fucked. It takes a while for them to get Takahashi out of the ring.

Result: Bas wins by tearing Takahashi’s leg off and beating him with it

So thanks to the new mud button i can embed my own pictures i just have to put them on twitter first


Fight 4

Toon Stelling vs Takaku Fuke

Serious death stares from Stelling. Stelling also behaves like a fuckwit the entire match.

Fight start. Stelling seems to have a karate background based on his stance and distance control, he’s like a proto Wonderboy. Stelling throws a low kick or two Fuke throws one back. Fuke shoots and Stelling slaps him a few times before grabbing a fistful of Fukes hair and slapping a few more times. Fuke shouts “you catch hair!!” ref says no hair but doesn’t give a yellow card. Fuke throws a low kick shoots in after it eats a few slaps and is shoved off. Fuke shoots in again hard on a double gets sprawled on and then it seems Stelling gets some fingers in Fuke’s mouth and lips before settling on an actual guillotine and shifting to a Japanese neckties and shoving Fuke off throwing a kick to the head as he stands up. Both guys are apprehensive for a minute. Stelling hits some nice slaps and Fuke shoots Stelling pushes off and thinks about what to do before soccer kicking Fuke in the face. He thinks he’s won for half a second before the announcer explains what’s happened. Stelling was DQ’d

Result: Stelling loses by winning too hard

Fight 5

Ken gets the crap beaten out of him in a kickboxing match, it wasn’t that exciting, did not feel like giving a play by play

Result: Kickboxer wins Kickboxing match Ken gets his leg turned purple.

Fight 6

Misu vs Maurice Smith in the match with the weirdest rules I have ever seen

This match is under some strangely mixed rules it’s shoot boxing so submissions and throws are allowed despite the fact they’re wearing gloves, Maurice is allowed infinite rope escapes and every second round the gloves are removed and normal pancrase striking rules apply. Also this is a rematch seeing as Misu got blasted by Maurice in a kickboxing match during yes we are hybrid wrestlers 3 that wasn’t uploaded to fight pass.

Maurice is standing orthodox Misu southpaw. Maurice throws a one two that Misu ducks under and shoots a double turning the corner this lets Maurice grab the ropes for the first of many escapes. Maurice throws an outside low kick that gets checked Misu throws a quick inside back in return. They hand fight with the lead hand for a bit Muarice throws a half decent uppercut and Misu clinches and Maurice grabs the ropes.

Maurice slaps down Misu’s jab throws out his right hand and throws up a high kick that lands on Misu’s guard, he then throws a jab fakes another and throws a right landing on Misu’s guard again. Misu checks an outside low. Maurice throws a right hand Misu clinches and then Maurice backs him onto the ropes and throws some knee like Tong Po

Suzuki manages to turn him onto the ropes and Maurice grabs them.

Maurice hits a one two and a nice right hand after, He throws out a front kick that Misu follows back into a low single and Maurice dives for the ropes, it’s awesome.

Maurice hits a right straight to Misu’s body and a right high kick on Misu’s guard, Misu shoots in after it but Maurice uses the most powerful of all takedown defences the side step. He hits a slapping right hook on Misu that makes his knees wobble a bit, Misu shoots and Maurice escapes. Maurice hits a left hook to the body and a right hook to the head followed by a left hook, right straight to the head landing mostly on the gloves Misu grabs a single leg on Maurice and they’re in the middle of the ring Maurice turns over on all falls scrabbling and crawling trying to get to the ropes and misu trying to pull him to the centre and take his back at the same time Maurice makes it to the ropes Just as the bell rings. This is fantastic.

No gloves this round. Both guys are a bit apprehensive to start and trade low kicks and some non commital slaps, everytime Misu changes levels as if to shoot Maurice flinches and half sprawls. Misui commits to a shot and Maurice grabs the ropes

After some circling and hand fighting Misu throws a low kick and shoots in after it but Maurice was throwing a low kick back so Misu eats a half kick to the face and gets up shaking out the cobwebs. Misu initiates a clinch and gets double unders forcing Maurice away from the ropes Maurice flails around grabbing at the ropes in front of him and then to the ones at the side and manages to get a hold of them.

Misu throws a low kick then grabs a clinch Maurice almost tries to belly to belly suplex him but uses Misu’s Defens to shift to the ropes and grab an escape. Some Circling and slaps occur before Misu shoots again gets Muarice down, but he dives halfway across the ring and catches the ropes again and the bell rings.

Gloves Round. Maurice hits a one two Misu clinches but Maurice shoves him off. Maurice throws a right hand that Misu ducks under and grabs a head arm clinch rock bottoms Maurice and snatches an armbar straight in the blink of an eye Maurice yells and taps. Ref shouts give up about six times. Maurice’s elbow seems fucked. Misu checks on Maurice apologising profusely for fucking his elbow. Misu cries tears of Victory and is lifted on the shoulders of one of his corner men. Fucking sick match.

Result: Misu wins in epic fashion, Maurice decides to learn to grapple.

Fight 7

Masakatsu Funak vs Gregory Smit

Greg looks like an average dude quite frankly he’s a bit soft around the belly. MasFu has been on a bit of a bulk, looks large. Greg does something that draws a rise out of the crowd and death stares from Funaki. Gregory’s obviously a wrestler as he comes out in a crouch shoots on Funaki gets sprawled on reshoots and goes behind taking Funaki’s back and grabbing a choke without hooks that causes Funaki to grab the ropes, surprisingly slick. Funaki does not seem happy but settles. Greg shoots a double and Funaki grabs a guillotine that I think he could have finished but Greg gets out and passes to mount Funaki bucks and rolls comes out on a double and Gregory ends up holding a bar stranglehold which shows some serious old school chops or that he watched hulk Hogan choke that guy out one time

Cool stuff. He tries to take Funaki’s back but Funaki shucks him around. Gregory tries to grab Funaki’s leg for a single but ends up half in a crucifix. Funaki turns him over and around grabbing a loose armbar in transition that Gregory escapes from Funaki hits a really nice long sit out, turning into Greg, but Greg defends the double and takes a wrestling ride. He turns Funaki over but Funaki escapes the side control straight to the back. He flattens out Smit and snatches a real tight RNC across the trachea that draws a panic tap. Quite fun while it lasted. Despite looking soft as fuck Smit showed some skill, despite the fact I think Funaki let him work a bit. Funaki cuts a promo in Japanese along the lines of “Pancrase and Hybrid Wrestling are the shit” He then nearly charges down a cameraman on his walk to the back.

Result: Funaki wins by murder

Overall thoughts

First and foremost, UGGHHHHHHH Takahashi’s leg, FUUUCK. Secondly a pretty fun event, fun grappling exchanges in most of the matches. And the few kickboxing/ mixed rules matches were interesting theoretically if not in practice. Fight of the night goes to Smith/Suzuki though, weird rules, Maurice diving for and crawling towards the ropes with Suzuki all over him was just fun as fuck to watch


EVERY?! They are 200 events! Phone Post 3.0

Dominique Robinson - EVERY?! They are 200 events! Phone Post 3.0

They're put up on fight pass pretty sporidacally and it's not like i'm emplyed or anything so it's not that big an ask, on a good day i can get 2 events done but that doesn't happen very often. also fight pass is missing the king of pancrase tournament rouind 1 and 2 so i'll do the road to the championships wait until those are up and then continue with eyes of the beast 1- whatever.

You should also join me harassing fight pass on twitter to get this shit uploaded

Pancrase: Road to the Championship 2

Fight Card

Remco Pardoel vs Vernon (Tiger) White

Manabu Yamada vs Andre Van Den Oetelaar

Ken Shamrock vs Matt Hume (worked)

Takaku Fuke vs Gregory Smit

Bas Rutten vs Minoru Suzuki

Jason Delucia vs Masakatsu Funaki

Fight 1

Remco Pardoel vs Vernon Tiger white

You may remember Remco Pardoel from 12-6 elbowing a man’s head off in ufc 2 he looks like a giant baby. Tiger has a sick flat top

Remco gets Tiger down quite easily, getting a front choke from mount, Vernon uses an escape.

Remco goes for a head arm throw but Vernon sits out and attempts to take his back Pardoel manages to turn it around using an arm drag and gets Vernon’s back and then taking mount. He walks Vernon to the center of the ring and works a forearm choke. Vernon tries to bridge but he’s outweighed by a stupid amount. Remco switches to a scarf hold but that allows Vernon to stand up. Some strikes are exchanged and they fall into a clinch in the corner but nothing happens and the match is restarted. Vernon tries to keep Pardoel away with strikes but he gets clinched and Keza Gatame thrown by the much bigger man. Remco works the scarf hold before switching to a straight armbar from the same position Vernon uses a rope escape. Vernon gets kicked in the dick on the restart. He really should start wearing a cup it’s not like this is the first time he’s been kicked in the dick or he’s kicked someone in the dick. Tiger gets up after the ref administers the traditional butt slaps and drops.

Pardoel catches a Tiger kick and hits a trip landing in Tiger’s guard. He does nothing and they’re stood up. Something’s up with Tiger’s hand and the doctor checks it out after some miscellaneous lotion is applied the fight is allowed to continue. Pardoel walks through Tiger’s strikes shucks off his takedown attempts and takes his back. Vernon defends the choke and they reach a stale mate and are stood up. Remco bullies Vernon into the corner but nothing happens and they are broken up. Vernon leg kicks Remco but achieves very little in the striking and is bullied to the ground with an ugly ass body lock takedown. Remco works an Ezekiel choke from mount but nothing happens so they’re stood up. Vernon lands some more leg kicks but Vernon just walks through his strikes again and grabs a guillotine Vernon uses a rope escape. Vernon hits a spinning back kick but Pardoel is barely affected and chases Vernon around with slaps one of them combined with a slip from Vernon results in Vernon going down and Pardoel punches him in the face on the ground. The ref calls a foul. Remco says sorry. Vernon’s unhappy ref chastises Pardoel and removes a point. Vernon slings out a high kick but gets dragged down. Pardoel attempts to take Vernon’s back but Tiger escapes out the back door and grabs a straight ankle lock Pardoel grabs the ropes reflexively and an escape is called. On the restart Pardoel throws Vernon down with an ugly Kesa Gatame and does nothing with it so they’re stood up. Shit’s getting boring. Vernon throws some leg kicks that obviously bother Remco but he lumbers forward and takes Vernon down and uses a Neck crank from the back. Vernon uses an escape (I think his last one). Remco lumbers forward through Vernon’s strikes and straight up shoves him to the ground. He fucks up super hard and ends up getting rnc’d by Vernon and having to grab the ropes. On the restart Vernon throws some punches into Pardoel baby fat and gets taken down for his trouble. Nothing happens and they’re stood up.

Once again Pardoel strolls through Vernon’s offence and bundles him to the ground landing in full mount. He uses his baby fat to smother Vernon drawing the tap.

Result: Remco wins by being bigger Shit wasn’t fun. Vernon is getting better.

Fight 2

Andre Van Den Oetalaar vs Manabu Yamada

Tit slaps from Andre, Yamada has some invisible lat syndrome on the walkout.

Andre and Manabu trades slaps before Andre grabs a guillotine hits a nice knee to the body from it and the muscles Manabu to the floor before locking in an RNC Manabu uses an escape. Andre gets the better of the next striking exchange drawing a panic shoot from Manabu and taking a wrestling ride on his back. He uses his giant Viking arms on a hammer lock, turning Manabu over before taking top side. Yamada uses an elbow escape and grabs a guillotine by Andre just uses one arm to fling him right over and takes top position again. They’re in the ropes so a break is called.

Andre hits a few nice Palm strikes knocking Manabu down, He gets up at 8.

Manabu gets clobbered with another right hand but stays up. The action is stopped because Andre has gotten cut in one of the exchanges and the doctor cleans it up. Bas takes the opportunity to give Andre some advice.

Manabu shoots a double but uses it to go behind take Andre’s back and sinks in a choke, Andre uses a rope escape. Manabu hits A couple of nice palm strikes followed by a right head kick which is impressive as fuck because Andre is about a foot taller than him. Andre goes down but gets up at the 8 count.

Manabu hits some more mean slaps and opens up Andre’s cut blood starts pissing out and the ref calls a break. Andre says “fuck” and the doctor is brought to ringsides to look at it. The bleeding is not stopping so the match is called. Considering they both had lost the same amount of points I’d say Manbu deserved the win, especially considering the awesomeness that was that head kick. Andre ruffles Yamada’s hair.

Result: Manabu Yamada (TKO cut)

Fight 3

Ken Shamrock vs Matt Hume

This is a work, both Ken and Matt have since come out saying that this shouldn’t be counted on either of their records

Matt Hume is a handsome devil and has a classy pencil Moustache. Ken is large

They trade very light low kicks and round kicks to the body before entering a clinch. Matt belly to belly suplexes Ken landing in top side. He grips the near arm for an armbar but Ken uses bridges and moves to all fours matt stays glued to Ken nearly taking his back. Ken rolls for a kneebar but misses the leg and catches a front headlock as they return to standing. He uses the headlock to pulls matt down, Matt attempts a sit out but ken takes the back. Matt uses an arm roll turning Ken over but Ken keeps the back and gets a choke Matt uses an escape. Ken kicks him a couple of times. Matt doubles up on right kicks first to the leg then head before ducking into a clinch. Ken hits a lateral drop but they end up in the ropes and are stood up. They immediately hit the same spot again Ken lateral dropping Hume but they’re in the ropes again so they’re stood up. Matt lightly high kicks Ken and hits a double into a very gentle slam taking top side. Ken rolls him over and takes his back after shutting down a switch. Matt attempts to footlock ken before Ken grabs a very loose RNC and Hume grabs the ropes. Some light slaps are exchanged and some light clinch knees. Matt tries an uchi-mata but ken defends as they scramble ken gets ahold of one of Matts legs and hits a trip. Matt grabs the ropes. Ken pulls out of a kick because Matt wasn’t ready. They trade light slaps and kicks. Matt kesa gatame’s Ken who rolls him over once they hit the ground and grabs an armbar. Matt uses an escape. High spot time. Matt grabs a guillotine and Ken hits a northern lights suplex to top side and grabs a kimura about as convincing as brock lesnar’s in wwe and Matt taps. A nice work but a work nonetheless.

Result: Noone wins although ken gets a victory on his record and Matt got to show some stuff

Fight 4

Gregory Smit vs Takaku Fuke

Greg looks to be having a great time on his walk out with a big grin on his face. Greg shoots immediately gaining mount and doing a pretty good job of controlling Fuke after shutting down some escape attempts and suplexing Fuke when he tries to stand up he tries a slap or two and then a choke without hooks forcing Fuke to use a rope escape.

Greg shoots again landing in Fuke’s guard but they’re near the ropes so they’re stood up. Fuke get’s Greg down this time taking top half before sitting back on an ankle lock Greg follows him up and passes to mount Fuke gives up his back attempts some escapes and Greg sticks to him like glue. Greg takes the back but crosses his feet and Fuke heel hooks him Greg shouts and taps Fuke tells him not to cross his feet, awesome old school catch although not exactly useful these days.

Result: Fuke wins by the oldest of the old school

Fight 5

Bas Rutten vs Misu

Fan tries to touch Suzuki on the entrance and gets backhanded for his trouble.

Fight start. Suzuki and Bas whiff low kicks at each other before Bas throws a right body kick that Suzuki catches but is immediately followed by a right palm strike that hurts and causes Suzuki to drop the leg only for it to come back at him as Bas throws another right kick Knocking Suzuki down. Suzuki gets up at 7 thinking what the fuck was that. Bas flurries with the hands but Suzuki takes him down passing to mount thinking about an armbar but feeling bas move stays on the mount. He switches to scarf hold feeling it going nowhere goes back to half guard and passes to the side. Bas knees him in the head and Suzuki headbutts him cheeky from both guys. Bas gives Suzuki an arm hoping to bait him so Bas can escape but Suzuki shuts it down transitioning all over bas from side to mount back to side again, he tries a leg lock and gives up on it and attempts to resecure position but Bas grabs a front headlock and uses it to get up and knees the shit out of Suzuki’s liver. Suzuki goes down for the full count. Bas is pretty fucking happy. Suzuki gives him a hug.

Result: Bas wins by turning Suzuki’s liver into foie gras