Idea for the next entrant in the UFC HOF

I say Evan Tanner would be the perfect choice for a spot in the UFC Hall Of Fame.




someone get dana on the horn get a tribute show and a hof entrance for the man

slagathor - someone get dana on the horn get a tribute show and a hof entrance for the man

I second the notion of a tribute show


CRE - This thread made me feel really awful, it starts to hit you.

It truly does.

It also hit me hard to heard about Carlin I was always a fan as well as Bernie Mac.

I was just thinking about this.

I hope the UFC does something to commemmorate him.



An excellent idea.


they should make a t-shirt of Evan and donate the profits to his family.




Wheres Evan Shoman when you need him

Shoman should draw up a Evan Tanner tribute drawing and auction it off and give the profits the Tanners


Birdman3015 - Wheres Evan Shoman when you need him

Shoman should draw up a Evan Tanner tribute drawing and auction it off and give the profits the Tanners

Jesus fucking Christ, Tanner's death has only just been confirmed and you're already conscripting UG artists to spend a huge amount of their time doing work they may or may not have the schedule space or inclination to perform, FOR FREE, just based on the fact that you think it would be "a good idea."

I'm all for Tanner in the hall of fame; SIGNED. I'm also for people on this forum showing some fucking common sense before they attempt to start emotionally blackmailing the more artistic members here into creating what Joey Cantdraw thinks would be a fitting tribute.