


Never forget good meaningful art please

LOL, fuckign Ice Age Coming, brother.

Georbraham Linkington - Never forget good meaningful art please

having listened to that album closely since it came out and every radiohead release -- what is the meaning of this art?  What is meaningful in this art?  Shit song and wfa.


Slowshots is right, ice age IS coming, and we're not scaremogaring

This is really happening!

NYjojo - 
Georbraham Linkington - Never forget good meaningful art please

having listened to that album closely since it came out and every radiohead release -- what is the meaning of this art?  What is meaningful in this art?  Shit song and wfa.

You've listen to kid A closely since its release, along with all of Radioheads albums, and you think shit song and they don't create art?

Holy lol, why do you continue listening closely then? What compels you?

Btw, RADIOHEAD is Wanderlies Silvas favorite band.

Nick Diaz is a big Radiohead fan. He instagrams it, and many an interview mention him listening to Radiohead. I loved OK Computer and Kid A but have kind of stopped following them. What's good by them since Kid A? Educate me. Phone Post 3.0

Georbraham Linkington - 
NYjojo - 
Georbraham Linkington - Never forget good meaningful art please
    <br />
        <span class="User-205468" id="userPost53907265"><span class="User-337674" id="userPost53905811">having listened to that album closely since it came out and every radiohead release -- what is the meaning of this art? &nbsp;What is meaningful in this art? &nbsp;Shit song and wfa.</span></span></p>
<br />
<span class="User-205468" id="userPost53907265">You've listen to kid A closely since its release, along with all of Radioheads albums, and you think shit song and they don't create art?<br />
<br />
Holy lol, why do you continue listening closely then? What compels you?</span></blockquote>


That's not what I said.  I think you're talking pure nonsense saying there's meaning to this form of art. Specifically, saying that song is 'meaningful' is a tell that you don't know what you're listening to.  What is the art meaning in that song?


A song can be art and a song can have meaning to the author and to the listener, so I'm asking you to elucidate on the artists' or your own meaning as the Professor of Aesthetic.

Is there meaning in a message?  Is there a message? (A song with meaning)  Is there something technically interesting and important that connects this song with songs that came before and after? (A song that means something as a form of art)

It's a shit song.

Everything! Download "In Rainbows" to start. That's awesome to hear about Nick Diaz, my favorite fighter loves my favorite band, I knew he liked Deftones I wonder, which other awesome fighters love RADIOHEAD??

If I had to guess, I'd say Fedor enjoys an occasional Morning Bell

Ray Cappa - Nick Diaz is a big Radiohead fan. He instagrams it, and many an interview mention him listening to Radiohead. I loved OK Computer and Kid A but have kind of stopped following them. What's good by them since Kid A? Educate me. Phone Post 3.0
In Rainbows and Amnesiac are classics Phone Post 3.0

NYjojo enjoys being a blowjob

Ray Cappa - Nick Diaz is a big Radiohead fan. He instagrams it, and many an interview mention him listening to Radiohead. I loved OK Computer and Kid A but have kind of stopped following them. What's good by them since Kid A? Educate me. Phone Post 3.0

Amnesiac (2001) the b-sides from the Kid A sessions, even wierder & more disjointed.

Hail to the Thief (2003) a return to more direct songwriting, guitars, choruses, etc.

In Rainbows (2007) relaxed, subdued, more meticulously arranged and produced than HTTT

The King of Limbs (2011) emphasis on percussion, created through the band sampling and looping stuff they recorded

Good analysis, but Amnesiac is by no means b- sides it's an album, and a haunted one (it's my favorite)

All the songs for Kid A and Amnesiac were recorded at the same time in long tedious marathon sessions, they had so many songs they released two albums that had different feels, kid a is cold and rounded amnesiac is in the fire and dark

"To kill a demon made of wet sawdust. This sort of demon is almost impossible to kill. The only way to do it is to cover its face with wet bread and karate chop its head off. Otherwise you are in trouble and so is the neighbourhood. Wet sawdust demons like to terrorise. N.B. pressing its face into wet bread that is on the ground works best though you can get a result just by throwing the bread at its face."

Thanks islander and eXtv! Will check those out. Phone Post 3.0

And Geoabraham, Phone Post 3.0

Georbraham Linkington - Everything! Download "In Rainbows" to start. That's awesome to hear about Nick Diaz, my favorite fighter loves my favorite band, I knew he liked Deftones I wonder, which other awesome fighters love RADIOHEAD??

If I had to guess, I'd say Fedor enjoys an occasional Morning Bell
Fedor only listens to old Russian folk songs extolling the virtue of stoically enduring misery and pain. Phone Post 3.0

Slowshot - LOL, fuckign Ice Age Coming, brother.

Huh? I was just saying that you were going to get down voted until you were frozen, for posting on the wrong forum.