If Bisping wins = Bisping Vs. Cote

I hope Bisping wins it, because there's a good chance we could see Bisping/Cote, where Cote does to Bisping what Tank did to Steve Nelmark.

good fight

Earth to the UG...

Cote is fighting Ricardo Almeida next and don't see Cote winning.

"Cote is fighting Ricardo Almeida next and don't see Cote winning."

I was just enlightened of this about 10 minutes ago. It's a tough fight for Patrick, but he has a good chance to win by KO. If they both win their next fights, we may actually see Cote/Bisping.

Well here is hoping Ricardo spoils your party and would love to see Bisping vs Almeida - this would give Almeida some much needed exposure during his march towards a Title Shot.

Almeida would destroy Bisping, but I wouldn't mind seeing that either.

Bisping or Almeida, one of these guys will get Anderson after Okami

Keep counting out Bisping and he'll prove you wrong. Cote and Alemeida wont beat the Count.

I just don't see "The Count" out-striking Cote, or out-grappling Almeida.

Cote v. Leben 2 should be the next big fight. It has the potential to be MMA's version of Gatti/Ward.

Fuck I really need Joe Silva's job....

That is another dynamite matchup that should be in the works. I think Cote takes it by KO. He's more technical than Leben. By the way, who won the Gatti/Ward fight?

[quote]Titanium Rhino - That is another dynamite matchup that should be in the works. I think Cote takes it by KO. He's more technical than Leben. By the way, who won the Gatti/Ward fight?[/quote]

Which one? There where 3, and they where fucking epic. Honestly with no offense really ment, but I can never take you serious as a fight fan with that question. Never.

I was never really big on boxing. Thanx for the vid.

Just edited in a much better vid...

The Rocky music in the background sets it off. Great fight.