If Chuck loses to Tito . . .

I mean, if Chuck beats Tito he should be forced to fight two opponents at once - he's just too good for any one 205er.
My two cents.

swoons Coffee Guy, you're so smart. I bet you have lots of friends. . .

Arona, Rampage, Shogun and Wandy would all make chuck their girlfriend

Coffee guy, I think I love you. I suggest you find another thread for your charms - I'm getting hot.

Well, Samurai, I'm not so sure about Rampage but I'll give you the others. Alas, Sakikibara and Dana don't quite see eye to eye. Even though the wandy/chuck match was mentioned last night, its chances appear slim.

I just wish someone would put chuck to sleep and shave his mohawk
brutis the beefcake style

damn your right