If fedor fights and beats overeem, whos next?

If he doesnt go to the ufc? Barnett? kharitanov? monson?

I think Fedor should fight B.Lashley. Well at least before he(lashley)goes to the UFC.

There aren't many options. Bigfoot, Lashely, Werdum, and Barnett are pretty much it. Maybe Pe De Pano, too. I guess if that Pudniwhateverhisnameis guy manages a crazy upset against Sylvia he might be an option.

Dana has that division on lockdown.

I figure Carwin, Velasquez, & JDS all came out of nowhere so a new batch of HW's could start showing up on Strikeforce Contenders any time

The only logical answer imo

Shane Carwin The next UFC HW Champion of the MF'n World

If Pudz beats Timmay, M1 will be salivating.

RickStorm - 

The only logical answer imo

Shane Carwin The next UFC HW Champion of the MF'n World

But who wants to wait 5-8 years for Brock to retire? Outside the UFC there aren't a lot of serious match-ups for him. I seriously doubt he will ever fight in the UFC at this point, or if he does he will be so old, that if he does go to the UFC and lose people will say that the loss isn't the "real" Fedor blah blah blah.

Those four hw's in the ufc who everyone think's are THE no.1 hw's in the world.

Ninja please ....

Hopefully, after fedor takes overeems lunch money, he goes and smashes those overated douchers.

retirement hopefully. i want his career to end like ricksons. on top. then i can read peoples posts for the next 15 years agonizing over whether or not he would be so and so.. and whether or not he would have ever been beaten.

OveREEMed A New Butthole - Big Foot, Barnett, that's it, he can easily retire as the greatest ever if he goes through Overeem, Big Foot and Barnett at the end of his career.


Who are you ?

missed the bet......

sparkuri - 
OveREEMed A New Butthole - Big Foot, Barnett, that's it, he can easily retire as the greatest ever if he goes through Overeem, Big Foot and Barnett at the end of his career.


Who are you ?

missed the bet......
Baddkarma imo.


Bad Monkey - 
sparkuri - 
OveREEMed A New Butthole - Big Foot, Barnett, that's it, he can easily retire as the greatest ever if he goes through Overeem, Big Foot and Barnett at the end of his career.


Who are you ?

missed the bet......
Baddkarma imo.


 That's impossible. The above was an intelligent statement.

 Other than the fact Fedor is the GOAT anyway.....

Retirement. If he can't come to terms with the UFC then there is little else that he can prove nor has to prove else where.

I could care less about Big Foot or Lashley, but Fedor has to fight Barnett at some point. If Fedor beats Ubereem and then doesn't go to the UFC, Barnett is the only fight I think I care about for him at all.

I still put Barnett in the top 5 in the world even though he hasnt been active.

Overeem is a VERY legit opponet.. and Barnett would be even more so.

I think Barnett is just the kind of fighter to beat Lesnar.. and for a few years now, has had the best shot to beat Fedor.

I'm picking Fedor over Overeem, and would over Barnett.. but other than Lesnar and possibly Carwin, these 2 represent the best chance to hand Fedor his first loss.

For the record..I'm picking Fedor over any of the fighters I mentioned above.

And if He never goes to the UFC.. hes still the best ever until sombody equals his accomplishments against not only top fighters, but legends. Fedor is the man!!