Where does this put him as an all time great? To push the proverbial blue collared American pipe dream of Hendo beating his second all time great since Wanderlei Silva a little further......what if Hendo handles the Russian, gets a second unified title shot and H bombs a round 3 gassed Jones face first through the canvas?
Sure it's a tall order, but what would your reaction be if Henson pulls of a double doozy of a beatdown to these 2 behemoths?!?!?!
He is an all time great regardless of result vs. Fedor IMO. Dude is tough as nails.
And if Fedor beats Hendo everyone is back on his nuts and will see that he can do serious things at 205.
If Hendo beats Fedor there is a shout for him as top 3 p4p best ever. That would be wins against some of the best fighters ever in 3 different weight classes consistently over 10 plus years.
Still I see Fedor winning it with a submission.
he can beat fedor but he cant beat jones. see anderson vs hendo video for reference