If I wasnt a fighter I would be a.

example- me=writer Severn=farmer

this should be funny

UG troll


a lover?

ha. troll- i get it i am slow haha

I'm not a fighter and I'm a locomotive engineer so there ya go.

cool and engineer in one day last month i was in chattanooga and i live in wabash county so i was next to the chattanooga choochoo and the wabash cannonball.

does that count? can i have one of those hats?

internet homo

Strikersupreme I don't even have one of those hats.

But if I had one I'd hook you up.

oh well i gave it a shot.

peepshow janitor

I heard a "friend of a friend" was in one of those peepshow boothes and slipped on "something" and fell on the floor.

That is a defining moment in one's life- people will always refer to you as "that guy who slipped in the peepshow"

I was in computer programming and web design before being a fighter. I quit that mostly because I hated it after 10 years and also because I needed more time for training.

I plan on going back and finishing my degree and becoming a high school teacher. I think I would really enjoy that.