If this doesn't make you smile you have no soul...

At first, I thought it said "chocolate A.I." as in artificial intelligence. Then I said "Chocolate AL" out loud and put it together.

Awesome! Phone Post

 Lol. Just think, if Chuck had visited your school years ago and your daughter had been around, people would be watching dvds of “The best of Chocolate Al, UFC Hall of Famer”.

My dad met Big Al. He has a hurt behind from fighter on ufc.

Thought it was cute then it clicked and I thought it was amazing! The innocence of kids is so adorable

Too funny! :D

Ahah that's awesome. Phone Post

I'd be worried if my daughter knew someone named "Chocolate Al".

Seriously, this shit just made my day.

I'd be worried if my daughter knew someone named "Chocolate Al".

Seriously, this shit just made my day.


FadeToBlack - At first, I thought it said "chocolate A.I." as in artificial intelligence. Then I said "Chocolate AL" out loud and put it together.

oh ok, i was thinking chocolate a.i. the whole time too haha

I'm starting to think this was an OMA drawing.

Thanks for the laugh. Kids can be so funny by accident.

do want shirt

The Ice Cream Man Chocolate Al, I love it.

Awesome! Thank you for sharing that. Phone Post


I logged in just to post my approval of this thread and your awesome daughter! That's priceless shit right there!

LOL. I think this one might stick a little. Choc instead of Chack.

Thank you!

i can't wipe the smile off my face!