ditto on the Royler book, I already got that, i also got Renzo's book, the ones by Mark Hatmaker, Rigans book (IMO a total rip) and uh... Renzo and Roylers book, im preping for the desert.
I decided to get Marcelo Garcia's from www.groundfighter.com though I also plan on getting BJJ 201 from royharris when it comes out.
By the way Stephan Kestings Omoplata series is awsome!
Roy Harris' 201 has already come out. You can call him to order it at full price, or wait for the sale coming up from 2/24-3/1, when the online store comes back.
simcos book sucks.
for the best and most detailed explanations anywhere, get a Bolo tape set. For pure quantity of techniques, get the Kukuk A-Z. So many techniques on that set it is unbelievable. Just don't expect a detailed explanation of each of the techs.
Other than on this post, I havnt heard much about the Cesar Gracie set, but three dvd's for 60 bucks sounds good,
dont forget mma.tv special discount on www.groundfighter.com, the marcelo garcia 6 dvd set is going for 100 bucks only!
I plan on getting the Royharris bjj 201 when the sale goes on, (assuming im still her in march, its still in the air if im going to the middle east)
Michael Jens set and Nathan Leverton's, I've heard nothing but good from these series, but I'm gonna wait a while till i get these, what good is a bunch of tapes if you dont have time to watch any of them!
Got some from Island martial arts, Rey Diogos DLR sweep, and some others,
anyone one else hear anything about Jean Jacques Machado's book?
thanks for the time.
go to borders and look at the books for your self.