If u could choose one mma moment to catch on tape


Awesome thread! Phone Post

Thirdleg Greg - 
GodSaveTheReem - the supposed liver shot jardine landed on jones that dropped him in training

also the confused look on the lab tech's face when he tested Thiago Silva's piss

Fuck is this, please tell

when the jackson camp fell apart and rashad left, I heard stories and rumors on here that in training jardine on multiple occasions dropped jones, in particular one time with a body shot. I just want to know what really happened...

Most have been mentioned, but I think the top picks are:

-"Pepe" Riccio getting "hit" and the entire brawl of which that incident was a part

-The Riggs-Diaz hospital fight after the fight

-The crazy Faber fight in Bali (http://www.mensfitness.com/sports/athletes/street-fighting-man)

-Tito v. Lee Murray

-Overreems v. bouncers.

wiggum - Most have been mentioned, but I think the top picks are:

-"Pepe" Riccio getting "hit" and the entire brawl of which that incident was a part

-The Riggs-Diaz hospital fight after the fight

-The crazy Faber fight in Bali (http://www.mensfitness.com/sports/athletes/street-fighting-man)

-Tito v. Lee Murray

-Overreems v. bouncers.

I should add the following: I am very glad that certain epic moments actually WERE caught on camera:

1) Roger Huerta v. D-Bag
2) Most of Krazy Horse v. Chute Boxe

elgringo - Nasty Boys beating up Shamrock with a lamp in a hotel room


JimmersonzGlove - 
xcouturefan - 
kungfugrip - 

stories please:

Hackney fight before ufc 3

From No Holds Barred by Clyde Gentry

Hackney replaced Roger Therriault on just a couple day's notice before UFC 3.

"To prove himself capable of competing in the UFC, Hackney had been asked to battle Thomas Ramirez in a makeshift sparring match held in a nearby North Carolina gym.

If Hackney looked impressive, he would compete on the card; if not, SEG would pay for his expenses and he would watch from the front row. Hackney showed slick moves and outclassed the 350lb Ramirez."

So did Ramirez live in NC not PR? Weird that if he was the litmus test for UFC 3 that he didnt get to fight until UFC 8.

Ramirez at the time wrote into BlackBelt magazine and complained about how Art Davie wasn't allowing him in the UFC.

Maybe he was a stand by type of person for some of the early UFC events and then they let him in UFC 8 because he was from PR.

Never was clear if there is Rickson v. Anjo footage or just after pics:


<br />Also, lots of talk there was footage of Murray v. Tito, but again, just talk...<br /><br />Good thread<br /><br />DUNK1

DUNK1 - 

Never was clear if there is Rickson v. Anjo footage or just after pics:

I think since Rickson won he got to keep the video tape of the fight.

The press was let in after the fight had ended and then got pics.


I recall that, but was never clear why he wouldnt release the footage given it looks like he beat up Anjo pretty well.

To me, that footage is the holy grail since many reports indicate the tape exists.

Perhaps cc camera footage of Murray v. Tito would be second, given the reports it does exist as well.

Discussing closed door fights is often more fun then the real thing, as everyone can weigh in based on hearsay... ;-)


MMA Translations - 
EatonBeever -  -Marco Ruas schooling Don Frye in a sparring session, I forgot to mention !!

Damn, I've been around and this is the first I hear of this.

I was looking forward to them in UFC 9 for months, dreaming about that fight daily .. and I was rooting for Ruas.

There was a huge discussion about how Ruas was over rated and how he dicktucked Frye at UFC 9 because he would lose.  A respected person came forward and said he doesnt discuss what goes on in sparring because its not respectful, but admitted Ruas dominated Frye and Frye couldn't do shit.  He did admit that in a real UFC fight, things can be a little different, but as far as Ruas vs. Frye - Ruas was the more dominate one...



Dojo Storm Fail

 Dana's boxing matches?


 ^^ LOL !!!!!!!!!!!

Funaki Masakatsu #1 -  Mark Coleman training with Ken Shamrock in 1999 at the Lions Den.

1000 X THIS!!!!!!!!


Ken X Mark Hall

onepunchJD - Also..

Ken X Mark Hall

 man, i remember reading about that one!!  ken dismantled mark hall for talking shit about his wife , i believe.  It was BRUTAL from what I read.

Urijah Faber barfight in Bali (I think it was)

The Damien Riccio vs The Gracie bar fight (only this still exists):


Datsik ripping down the madhouse fence with his bare hands.

PS - RIP Pepe..I think he died a few years later..

This has to be no.1 Phone Post

Brock Groom DFW lost the game - It's gotta be Bruce Buffer chucking out Frank Trigg. Phone Post

Aaand stay out!! Sorry i know you meant choking but I had an image of buffer throwing trigg out of some saloon doors. Phone Post

For me it would without a doubt be the Rickson Anjoh fight.There is a tape.Rickson has it and has shown it to people.I have a small 4x6 picture from a magazine of Rickson mounted on Anjoh about to punch him.Its blurred but still a cool pic and the closed I'll ever come to seeing the fight.