If you knew then what you know now

what advice would you give if you were just starting out?

My gf is getting into Muay Thai - bag work and foot work and stuff (no sparring). This has peaked my interest to start training and splitting it and my time with bjj 50/50.

I'm stand up challenged, tho - never trained it before.

"I'm stand up challenged, tho - never trained it before."

I have noticed that guys who never did Karate or TKD have a "head start" just listen to your trainer and practice.

Your biggest challenge will be the learn how to be light on your feet. Many, many guys with a bjj/wrestling base seem to have a tough time with footwork and not staying flat footed all the time, in my experience.

mai long mai lu

never try never know

Relax and do what the your instructor tells you. Do stuff slow in begiing if you have to and get the technique down. Try not to rely on using your strength or speed and try to force the move.

the advice here given is prefect, just relax and have fun! enjoy it, although i remember my first day and i couldn't walk the next day and could barely lift my legs on my second training day!!



"have noticed that guys who never did Karate or TKD have a "head start" just listen to your trainer and practice"

How so? Because they have bad habits?

keep your hands up.

keep your hands up.


told you to keep your hands up...


i always hated getting slapped by my trainer, eventually you KEEP your hands up!