If you trolled some one and they offed themself

Would you laugh or feel really bad? I've debated this a lot and it's one of the reasons I worked hard to tame my inner troll.

On one hand if some one is dumb enough to kill them self over some one giving them a hard time then they kind of suck as a person.

On the other hand what if the person was normal and just had a shitty life and you were the straw that pushed them over...

suggesting suicide will not make a person commit suicide unless your a Jedi knight.

if all it took was a troll thread to make them kill themselves then they were prolly already more than half way there.

I wouldn't feel bad. weed out the weak.

what could a person like that possibly contribute to the new society after 2012?

get our drinks? we'll already have women for that.


I keed?

trolling deserves death! basically if you wana shittalk and get someone riled updo it in person so you can face the immediate consequences....like if the person you're trolling snaps and instead of suicide they decide to stab you in the neck with a fork or gets a gun and comes back to shoot you in the colon.

funny story.....I knew a guy who stabbed a fuker in the neck with a fork b/c of shittalk then hid-out at our gunclub for months LOL! he thought I was a raid when we showed up in uniform with weapons and vehicles......if he didn't recognize me he probably would have started shooting LOL

a person so weak that they kill themselves over a troll also deserves death. I mean shit, a person fucks with you that bad why kill yourself, kill them! weak sauce imo.

if more people were killed by others, there's be less rude, obnoxious shittalkers and we'd all get along better. i think nothing says stfu like stabbing a person in the neck with a fork or inthe middle of their shittalk hit them in the throat.


you guys are sick. There is nothing funny about Suicide or Rape...........unless of course its a clown

clown rape isn't funny if it's you on halloween just trying to have a good time.

Clown rape while suiciding, basically cum just as you die. Clown would feel so dirty having dead guys cum dump in him

Now das dirty!


I troll more in person than I do on line but only if some one happens to have a case of the stupid.

On line they tend to have this more than in person as I don't surround myself with tards.

If some one comes on line and ask for my opinion they should be prepared for the worst. I do it all the time and get flamed hard but it's the internet and if I didn't get trolled I would be amazed.

Don't believe me go to the OG and post a picture of anything and ask for an opinion. Even if it was an awesome anything eventually if your not witty the tide turns

There are many different sections within the 1 company that I work.

I like going to the other sections and telling people there that the Oakly sunglasses I'm wearing was issued to me by the section I'm currently at


that we get "Meal Cards" that act as credit cards for free food around the area we work.

then watch the rumor mill go crazy via coconut wireless.


armlok - trolling deserves death! basically if you wana shittalk and get someone riled updo it in person so you can face the immediate consequences....like if the person you're trolling snaps and instead of suicide they decide to stab you in the neck with a fork or gets a gun and comes back to shoot you in the colon.

funny story.....I knew a guy who stabbed a fuker in the neck with a fork b/c of shittalk then hid-out at our gunclub for months LOL! he thought I was a raid when we showed up in uniform with weapons and vehicles......if he didn't recognize me he probably would have started shooting LOL

a person so weak that they kill themselves over a troll also deserves death. I mean shit, a person fucks with you that bad why kill yourself, kill them! weak sauce imo.

if more people were killed by others, there's be less rude, obnoxious shittalkers and we'd all get along better. i think nothing says stfu like stabbing a person in the neck with a fork or inthe middle of their shittalk hit them in the throat.


Oh u mad.