If your a fan of the UFC...

And let joe rogan sway your decision on who won than you are an IDIOT. I'm so tired of hearing watch it with the sound off from GSP and Machida nutthuggers. (I like gsp but not machida) Phone Post

English motherfucker!! Do you speak it?!?! Phone Post 3.0

SAY WHAT AGAIN Phone Post 3.0

Good post bro

Not srs Phone Post 3.0

I like rogan alot hes 100x better than atkin and kenny, now i can see where people can be swayed the same way orson wells made people think aliens are attacking earth, Phone Post 3.0

Can we start getting an age limit on joining the UG? Even something like 16+ cos kids like this are seriously ruining it.

Lol maybe I had a bit to much to drink the other night bc I read it just now and I don't understand what it says... so I know it has to be confusing to other people Phone Post

Member Since: X/X/13

Without fail.

TheRealMrBeefy -
cg51mma - Lol maybe I had a bit to much to drink the other night bc I read it just now and I don't understand what it says... so I know it has to be confusing to other people Phone Post
Stop making threads Phone Post 3.0
Fuck you dude who are you the thread patrol Phone Post

FETT_WTT_TFK_UGCTT_pennviachoke - Phone Post 3.0
Good gif lol Phone Post

cg51mma - 
TheRealMrBeefy -
cg51mma - Lol maybe I had a bit to much to drink the other night bc I read it just now and I don't understand what it says... so I know it has to be confusing to other people Phone Post
Stop making threads Phone Post 3.0
Fuck you dude who are you the thread patrol Phone Post

In my mind's eye I see Michael Palin in a red robe saying "Nobody expects the Thread Patrol."

You should work on your grammar before you start calling people idiots Phone Post 3.0

BatmanTookMyLunchMoney - You should work on your grammar before you start calling people idiots Phone Post 3.0
I will work on grammar if you work on punctuation. Phone Post

You probably ought to work on yours too. You have used four periods in all of your posts and three of them are in a row, unfortunately that is an incorrect usage too. You made an ignorant post, stop being a cunt when you're called out for it. This is the goddamn motherfucking UG! Phone Post 3.0