Punching techniques:
Elbows and headbutts:
Knockout combinations from his fights (explained):
If a blue would be so kind
VU for the blue; No VD for you!
Where are the Igor cookies recipe?!
Soup Nazi -vote ups for everyone.

Ziga - Punching techniques:Thanks for posting!
Elbows and headbutts:
Knockout combinations from his fights (explained):
If a blue would be so kind

Dammit can't play on cell!
See guys, one thing about some fighters, and I think Igor is one of them, I just don't think you can teach what he does.
Watching his early fights, he goes in and dominates these pretty tough Russians, and you're left wondering how he wins. He's not that big, he just seems to scare them or something.
You can't teach "Igor V", he's like one of a kind, a little Russian battle tank that won't quit, haha.
Still cool to see his stuff. VU
^you def cannot teach that type of power
ice cold!
Village attacking tutorial?
Let me guess.
Lesson #1: no fear
Lesson #2: throw bungalows
Lesson #3: keep punching enson till he dies
Sum1 embed the YT links
Soup Nazi did, but the person who uploaded the videos, must not have enabled them for mobile devices.
MoomBah - Let me guess.
Lesson #1: no fear
Lesson #2: throw bungalows
Lesson #3: keep punching enson till he dies
lmao at #3