Another IL show is shut down, and another finger is pointed at SHOOTO.
I don't understand why people feel the need to accuse SHOOTO. The need to not be responsible for their own actions that have consequences.
In January, the IL Dept. of Reg. made a release about tightening the regulations for what consitutes illegal fighting events (Toughman and "Ultimate Fighting" - a reference to the original rules). They did this to target Toughman events that were scheduled for February in Peoria and Rockford. The new "tighter" regulations were passed, and the events were nixed.
Then someone tries to run an MMA event in Sprigfield, IL (the state's capitol and the location for the head office of the IDPR). The event was highly visisble to the IDPR who JUST passed these new regulations... they JUST PASSED THE NEW REGUALTIONS and the ptomoter tries to run an event in their back yard. I question the lucidity of that judgement.
That event was subsequently shut down... Then the state made another release patting itself on the back for this. At that time the promoter alledgedly was irrate and began flying accusastion about other shows and promotions that operate in the state (indicating several of the common ones - SHOOTO being one). He essentially blew the whistle on every promotion that has been running (underground or legally).
Then Art Dore tries to fight the regulations that shut down his Peoria and Rockford events. The courts shot him down. The state is now high alert for these events... They take these regulations very seriously and are none too happy about people trying to dupe them and/or fighting them in the courts...
I talked to an IL representatives and I find out virtually all of the work I did for the last two years is wiped out... I spent two years of my life working my ass off to get something OK'ed. I had meetings with the state... Doing research, making presentations, answering questions, sending faxes, providing video, talking to lawyers (and spending my own money) being told "No" and "get lost" many many times...
When I came to them with video of Shooto events from Japan, HOOKnSHOOT, and Hawaii and gave them 20 pages of regulations they started to give-way and show interest in what we were doing. At about that time, Shidokan was making a similar presentation to prove that they were a bona fide Martial Arts organization... That is the angle I played. I explained what the International Shooto Commission is, I provided 2 years worth of injury stats compared to boxing, I explained how we regulate match-ups according to Class-A and Class-B to avoid mismatches, and how we have 10 wt classes and loads of rules. The state viewed the videos and liked the quality of the athletes (having Japanese fighters on the screen added something for them in seeing this as a credible Martial Art).
Finally, I was told that "this looks like Martial Arts that you guys are doing and it is OK". IL has an exemption for Martial Arts events and they do not regulate them... But they also feel that fighting events cannot self-regulate (as proven by Mr. Dore) so some kind of neutral org is the way to go. It worked for me and for Shidokan.
So I succeeded at getting approval for Shooto events... To me it was a major accomplishment and I was very proud. The state would not provide anything in writing but I went ahead on trying to get someone to work with SHOOTO in IL. I met with a few promoters and it looked OK, but I was eventually blown off... What can you do??? But then a few months ago we get a promoter in IL and all that hard work had finally paid off...
In the mean time, I was accused on more than one occasion for trying to Monopolize the state. Why were these accusations made??? Based on what information???What did I do to prompt them??? Was I trying to take the money??? WHAT MONEY??? Was I trying to control things in IL??? I am one fucking guy with a wife and 2 kids (+ one on the way), I have a full-time job so I have to balance my time between my Shooto work and my real life. I don't have the resources to operate on a state-wide scale... I am trying to negotiate with TV, coordinate with several existing promoters, book fights, handle a variety of needs and requests from people I work with and so on... so what the hell benefit is it to me to try and control the state??? What benefit is it to me to shut other shows down???
Look at Missouri and Georgia... The ISCF has or is trying to go in there and make it so that ONLY ISCF events can run in there... They are tryinbg to control things, but no one says a damn thing about them... I tried MO too, but it will take some serious legislative efforts to get Pro MMA OK'ed out there. I would like to be a part of the effort, but it is a balancing act to find the opportunity for such things... I had to meet with TN officials and Hammond, IN officials to get events OK'ed... I worked with NV Athletic Commission to get Shooto OK'ed... This is alot of work and it is insulting beyond explanation to be accused of such actions by people involved in a sport that I have sacrificed so much to help grow and develop...
NOW, in light of these new developments (the shutting down of the two underground MMA events and the Toughman shows) the state is in ass-kicking mode or something. It may become a no-man's land once again... And why is SHOOTO accused of causing problems for these events??? WHY???
These promoters chose to be sneaky, to try and slip in under the radar, to play loop-holes by calling their events Jiu Jitsu or getting fake Kickboxing sanctioning bodies involved (Toughman tried to use the PAKA since kickboxing is also not regulated by the state). They did all of that instead of looking into the laws that were passed and trying to understand what the state's concerns are. Instead of talking with lawyers and trying to come up with a plan to address the state's concerns and find a common ground. The state has all the power and authority they need and MMA is not a protected entity... so they can discriminate...and they do. No one tried to talk to the state in an intelligent manner and attempt to reason with them (you have to be willing to cooperate and give alittle or alot with these guys).
No one tried to meet with the IL government... no one even made an effort... no one got together to forge a plan... everyone just bitched about it then tried to be tricky. Then when bad things happened, they all just got pissed off when it turned out to be a stupid gamble. Getting shut down by the state has NOTHING to do with me or SHOOTO... It is on the individual who made the decision to take the the risk... so whoever it is who ran into trouble, be accountable and accept the consequences of the risk YOU took...
I sent a fax to the IDPR everytime we ran a show in IL. I wanted to maintain open and clear communication with them... They received the faxes and never bothered us. Now the Shooto event that was scheduled for April is on hold until I can get another meeting with the IDPR. Our event is off and SHOOTO is to blame for all of this???
ttt for all the hard work
just need to have a voice and get this stuff out... the pent up frustration will make me nuts...
too many half brained lazy people out to make a buck.
like name dropping will make the commission reflect and change their minds. lol.
this guy is a scumbag.
That is fucked.
ttt x a googleplex for Rich Santoro
Although I don't agree with Shooto being the way to go to get mma rolling in Illinois I do think it is comeplete bullshit that the IDPR is doing
The way to get MMA rolling is a unified concerted effort to talk with the IDPR and see what can be done... The IDPR is doing what it thinks is right. It may be wrong, but how will they know what is going on if everyone is trying to be subversive... it only strengthens the idea that MMA is low-rate and unprofessional.
People need to work together, they need to be up-front, open, and cooperative. That is just not happenning... People are too lazy to put any real effort into working this out, and they have no interest in working with each other...
Shooto may not be that brand of MMA that alot of people care for (I understand that) but I for one can only work within my sphere of influence... There is too much egocentrism and apathy.
An example of the apathy... When I called the RSF promoter to tell him we are on hold until we can work things out with the state, he said "Oh, OK... I guess I will just cancel this one"
That was it... no interest in seeing what can we do... no interest in what the state wants or how we can work it out...
ttt to be known
ttt for more views
Thanks for all your hard work Rich, please dont loose sight of the fact that most peole involved in MMA appreciate what you are doing for the sport in Illinois please dont give up the fight. BTW Im willing to help you in any way I can, let me know if you need help with anything.
total BS
keep up the good work rich
I want to say thank you for all the work you have done for MMA. I fought in a Tennessee Shooto show that John Renken put on and I saw first hand that you work hard for the sport. Keep up the good work brother. You are very appreciated.
James Foster
Thanks guys... And thanks Columni... I just might take you up on that, e-mail me at
I am not posting this to get accolades (although I truly appreciate the respect). I posted to try and tell my side. There is alot of good-ole-boy mentality in IL outside of the Chicago area and I hear alot about phone and private conversations that point fingers and make accusations... It is so frustrating because no one comes to me with the issues or even investigates to see what happened. I just need to get my side out there since people are more interested in talking about me rather than to me...
ttt for the fans
The ones to look at for all of this is:
1-Ed Kim
2-Scott Ward
3-Paul Smith
4-Art Dore
"No one tried to meet with the IL government... no one even made an effort... no one got together to forge a plan"
I met with my area's State Representative,and with a local Congressman,showed them a tape,of Tuff-E-Nuff-2.
Showed them the rules,they did make Phone Calls,to the I.D.P.R. and "look" into some things.I was told that we
need to start an organization,i mentioned this here before...and I am still willing to work to start the
Illinios Martial Arts Association,it would take around a year,to a year and a half,to set this up.we would need volunteers from all over the state,but if we can become,large enough,"vote power" I was told we would
be able to accomplish legalization."If we played our cards right"
you can't have a martial atrs show,but you can sell alcohal,pornography,and cigarettes,thats just fucked up.
Robert... that is great that you did work with the state. A State Martial Arts org could be good.
You can have Martial Arts events... you just need to satisfy the states "unofficial, undocumented" version of what martial arts is.