You cna buy that DVD for like $10 now, good DVd, but it's obvious what I'm watching.
" I still havent figured out why the UFC is still riding Chucks dick, he is an awesome fighter but he is not the champ. Any other fighter would be put to the wayside. It must be because him and Dana are tight. "
Yeah, the fact that he's hugely popular and headlined half their biggest cards has nothing to do with it.
The UFC should've scheduled Fedor-Randy for that day! That'll show Gary Shaw, bicthes!!!
Old noob - Thanks for the heads up! I'll be sure to DVR that while I'm watching the fights.
Me too ;)
I think EXC will do better, most bars contain the key demographic that MMA is looking for (especially on a sat night) and ALL bars with a TV have CBS, not one of them will air a doc over live fights.... how many bars are there in America that would take live fights for free over paying out for a boxing ppv?
I'll be willing to bet that EXC will do just fine, enough people will watch to keep the ratings high, shit CBS has the NCAA's and other great fucking programing... do you really think that CBS is going to have a tough time reaching any targeted group???
SbmissionSooner = Dana White
A lot of casual UFC fans only know Liddell. One of my friends moved to Ecuador right around the time the UFC was blowing up, and a few months ago she told me she got some of her little friends to watch some fights. I assumed it was GSP, Silva, something recent. Nope. She showed them some Liddell fights she found on Limewire or w/e.
Same for my best friend. He just got out of prison and he still won't shut up about how Liddell "destroyed" that "over-rated Pride piece of shit" Silva.
"SbmissionSooner = Dana White"
ouch scourge!!! I'd like to have his job though..
Grossly different scales for network and a smaller cable channel like Spike.
EXC on CBS will certainly outdraw a non-live event on Spike - while still not necessarily being a bigger "success" by network standards.
Hell, the CBS-aired EXC will probably end up being the most watched MMA event in U.S. history (which right now is the free Rampage-Hendo event, which averaged 4.7 million viewers) - and Kimbo-James Thompson could end up peaking to be the most watched single MMA fight ever (which so far is still Ken-Tito 3, which peaked at 5.7 million) - and it still might not be ratings that are good enough to satisfy CBS.
So while the Chuck documentary will definitely not get more total viewers, it might still be a bigger success relative to the viewership that Spike normally gets, than the EXC event might be relative to the much higher expectations for a network like CBS.
Mister Brooks -Caspersghost - this a shitty move by the UFC too try and harm the competitions ratings. All about the sport? yesh
And hear I thought the ug always claimed that "competition" was "good for the sport", you commie pinko.
Why would hijacking another companies ratings to perpetuate a monopoly and attempt to get them thrown off TV be good for the sport? I was just trying to hold them up against their own claims. Seeing as Elite XC are loosing huge amounts of money, they can't exactly be classed as competition. They would have to be on a closer footing to the UFC, who are trying to sabotage before they get started.
UFC is going to have to do better than that! If you are going to counter a live event on free tv then you need to put together something big, real big. UFC had enough time to put together a great card and have their own live event on Spike. Could you imagine if they would have aired UFC 84 live on the same night as EXC.
I think that putting on a documentary on their most marketable fighter with a first time airing of the Wand fight is pretty big.
Bad move, methinks they would be far more successful with a re-airing of ULTIMATE SHAMROCK like they did in the 90s. Most noobs haven't seen Shamrock fight in his trademark speedos.
fuck that show, im watching kimbo and lawler v. smith
I'm watching Young knockout Carano.
Ultimate Shamrock? Where could a hypothetical interested party obtain a copy of this sure to be classic tribute to the World's Most Dangerous Man, if said party (hypothetically) did not wish to part with his hard earned cash?
I'll be watching Elite XC