Sorry, I have no inside information, no juicy details, nor any accusations.
We often get quotes from fighters, trainers, etc. giving us estimations about the percentage of mixed martial artists who use performance enhancing drugs. These estimations generally point to a rather large percentage of the MMA world engaging in the use of PEDs.
While watching TUF the other night I began wondering if anyone would be so bombastic as to bring illegal substances into the house.
I am in no way making an accusation.
The fighters in the TUF house are closely monitored, allowed no contact to the outside world, and in a hornets nest of other fighters looking to beat and discredit them. Since they aren't allowed cell phones or any other devices, I imagine that they are thoroughly searched before gaining entrance into the house.
I know we have some former TUF contestants on this board, as well as many other very knowledgeable posters, so I was wondering...
How likely, how hard, and how realistic would it be for a TUF fighter to be engaging in the use of PEDs while on the reality show?
(sorry, first thread, but it was a question I legitimately wanted opinions on)
They get tested before they got on the show so I doubt someone would bring something.
They get tested before they got on the show so I doubt someone would bring something.
Thanks Useless, I did not realize that, definitely answers part of the question.
The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if anyone has ever attempted to sneak something in, or if they are all smart enough to realize what a terrible idea that is.
And when I say "no juice" I simply meant "no inside information," I somehow forgot that juice is what we typically call roids. I'm an idiot.
Good topic op. I do remember someone saying their stuff was searched looking for electronic devices.
AnthonyMMA -Good topic op. I do remember someone saying their stuff was searched looking for electronic devices.
I thought I had heard the same thing, and I'm quite certain they can only wear clothes that are issued to them before filming. (Tapout gear, team stuff, etc.) It sounds reasonable that they may go in with just about nothing.
ttt for thoughts
I think they should be searched when leaving the house. Fighters would have gotten their shit back from the Alaskan Assasin... :)
I remember a scene from season 1 where you can see that diego had a whole bag of diffrent supplements with him! i don´t know how the ufc monitors what exactly is in their, but i assume it would be easy to change labels and sneak something in...
of course no accusation! I like Diego! YES!!!!
Don't they just ask for things like supplements on a shopping list? I suppose season one could have been different given tight budget constraints.
I imagine no one was bold enough to write down "Nandrolone" on the list.
Ramone8 - Don't they just ask for things like supplements on a shopping list? I suppose season one could have been different given tight budget constraints.
I imagine no one was bold enough to write down "Nandrolone" on the list.
...and no one would be stupid enough to take that if they wanted to pass a test in the next year or so
UGCTT_I Got Fitched Up -I think they should be searched when leaving the house. Fighters would have gotten their shit back from the Alaskan Assasin... :)
Your drug tested before the show.
They search through all of your stuff before you enter the house and you are given approved clothes or you can wear blank shirts and stuff.
Im sure stuff can be snuck in if someone really tried, I mean guys manage to get stuff in prison but it would be incredibly stupid to even try.
For the live season they drug tested us about a month before filming started.
We arrived at the hotel a week before fighting to get in the house and our bags were searched.
The bags of the winners were again searched more seriously before moving into the house.
They did not drug test anyone for the 13 weeks while we were in the house but they did test me at the finale.
I would imagine It would be possible for one of the coaches to sneak something to one of the fighters at practice because the coaches do have contact with the outside world.
^^^Give Al Iaquinta his well deserved green name!
They're all microdosing EPO Lance Armstrong style. Blood transfusions in the bathrooms, the whole nine.
For serious though, the athletic commissions don't even do testing that would detect the kind of 'cardio doping' that was most widespread in pro cycling. I am 100% positive no MMA fighters are doing that to improve their cardio though.
TUF 8, fighters were so hungry for testosterone that they stooped to putting semen on watermelon and sushi in hopes of gaining a performance advantage.
It gets desperate in there.
if you are only tested at the finale, you could be running short esters of test the whole season and easily pass the tests. and of course hgh, epo and other shit they dont even test for
wariornation149 - For the live season they drug tested us about a month before filming started.
We arrived at the hotel a week before fighting to get in the house and our bags were searched.
The bags of the winners were again searched more seriously before moving into the house.
They did not drug test anyone for the 13 weeks while we were in the house but they did test me at the finale.
I would imagine It would be possible for one of the coaches to sneak something to one of the fighters at practice because the coaches do have contact with the outside world.
Green name for Al!!