Im making a thread.

Sean Quinn - 
LittleKang - thread is dying pretty quickly
It's dying cuz bitches aint postin.

Well I just did so don't bitch at me. Blame meomar

Don't worry, Kang is here to save the thread.


John Nic - Don't worry, Kang is here to save the thread.

Somehow I doubt that makes anyone feel better.

Where's Moemar?

Quinn, I'll post on your thread.


 so sean apparently we're sharing a ride together up to calgary together

just enough time for me to tell you my life story
good stuff for a good thread


 Leavin for Calgary tomorrow. Should be fun.


I don't know how to post stuff.

I'm too old to learn new things.

tring to add to this thread, wont work damn it.

damn, do you have to have a color name to post gifs?

You need a blue to post pictures or gifs. Usually as a lowly mud namer if you post the link someone will be kind enough to post it.
