I'm consistently underwhelmed by WMMA. I mean honestly, the ladies are five steps behind the men athletically it's like going to a horse race and for a special event they have wiener dog races. Can it be competitive? Sure but by comparison to the horses... that'd be the time I go and buy a beer. I view women's NBA exactly the same way. Do they have a RIGHT to compete in MMA? Absolutely they do, and I'd argue on their behalf. But do I have any interest in watching? You know I really do not. It's like watching MMA in half speed and it bores me to fucking tears and in my opinion it's filler and makes every UFC card that much weaker, and every UFC ppv that much more suspect when it comes to whether I want to buy in or not. But hey, I mean Mike Goldberg screams his head off about the action so that awesome teep and "slip and rip" so what do I know?
You watching this fight bro?
Great timing fuckface
Hey OP, quit your bitching.
That fight was sick.
OP STFU and stick to horse and dog racing
He is most likely 15 years old