I'm sorry but Kirk owes women an apology.

Recently Kirk made the comment that, ""Trash talk is awesome, as it puts asses in seats and money in fighter’s pockets, but female fighters commenting about fat is uncalled for."  

I am deeply offended by what can only be perceived as a very insensitive and sexist remark by Kirk.  By signalling out females, Kirk is suggesting that they are somehow emotionally inferior to men and that while men can 'handle' being called fat, women somehow can't.

This is unacceptable and on behalf of all females and feminists out there I demand an apology from Kirk.  

I have taken a screen shot of this post for evidence in case I get frozen or banned by the moderators (they will no doubt try to cover this up) or perhaps by even Kirk himself.  As a moderator on my social justice warriors forum and the captain of my local feminist chapter "We are Alphas", I will use all my power to fight any perceived injustice.

Kirk - I await your public apology for your publically insensitive and sexist insults.


Wait did Kirik really make that comment?

Jesus christ.... Phone Post 3.0

Who is Kirk? Phone Post 3.0

Yes - I can only assume he was either drunk or high when making these insensitive comments.  


Link for reference:


But what of the children Phone Post 3.0

fade2007 - Wait did Kirik really make that comment?

Jesus christ.... Phone Post 3.0
He actually did Phone Post 3.0

thread title refers to women so pics?

LOL. Kirk...

Who gives a shit...? This a troll? Phone Post 3.0

Richard Tuck -

thread title refers to women so pics?

Of course. Where are my manners.

What a truly healthy female body should look like:

He tries too hard to say the "right thing" and this time it kinda backfired. He means well. Phone Post 3.0

Have you ever tried to answer your mrs honestly when asked if she "looks fat in this"?? Phone Post 3.0

Pulala - He tries too hard to say the "right thing" and this time it kinda backfired. He means well. Phone Post 3.0

It's a micro-aggression.  He needs to check his priviliage.

Some of the best and most brutal fights in the UFC take place in the womens division... But they can't handle being called fat?  COMMON KIRK.  GET WITH THE TIMES BUDDY.

Captain James .T. Kirk? Phone Post 3.0

I didn't take offense.

Meh. Seems like some faggoty shit.

I thought it was obviously satirical Phone Post 3.0

Kirk, UG Blog, and their collective band of misfits can suck some big fat cock. Phone Post 3.0

All the faux outrage on the ug lately is laughable. Phone Post 3.0