Improvement of classes

Hey, guys, how does a BJJ class looks like at your gym? I want to improve the quality of our training (we don't have a instructor)...


Im not crazy about the 15 minutes warm up 2-3 techniques, sparring format. I think drills need to play a larger role, and I also think some movements should be done EVERY class. Always. I think there should be a routine of certain drills that you use as a warm up, movements that are fundamental while still allowing you to safely warm your body up before the really hard work. I'm putting together a routine that you can try if you like. I'll send it to you when Im finished.


andre, i'd like to take a look at it too if you don't mind. i'm always interested in stuff like that.

10 min warm-up, 10 mins takedowns, 2-3 techniques, 15 mins drills then rolling sometimes from feet, sometimes from knees (depends on numbers and whether a comp is coming up)

I liked this type of schedule, given 3 days a week class schedule, example M-W-F
Warm up for a few minutes with BJJ type body movements, shrimps, bridges, 4 corners...etc
Then, Monday would be mount day, we would drill a mount escape, a mount entry/attack, then have situational sparring of escaping the mount, say 3-5 rounds 3 min ea.
We would then move to gaurd (every class we covered gaurd), a gaurd pass, a gaurd attack (sub or sweep), then situational sparring of passing the gaurd 3-5 rounds 3 min ea.
Then open rolling.

Wed we would replace mount with crossmount, same type of training session.

Friday would would have been mount again, unless a problem area was brought up, then gaurd work then sparring.

If i had that schedule again, i would make friday half gaurd day, and of course gaurd.