In her @$$? Really?

Looks shit Phone Post 3.0

studiocamp - 3 pages and no Daffy Duck gif?

Thread is not complete.

I want in!!!!
How can?? Phone Post 3.0

Sheer genius...we'll just have to imagine the material the letters are made with are from are the part of her shorts that were touching her @$$. Then it would be an accurate statement.

Schaub "implied" on his show that she LOVES anal, cant get enough, and he said she wakes me up riding that, and it aint the V. Phone Post 3.0

Shiego Manchez - Schaub "implied" on his show that she LOVES anal, cant get enough, and he said she wakes me up riding that, and it aint the V. Phone Post 3.0

lol find the episode and time index and you'll be a UG hero in the Pantheon of greats.

Dougie -

WHo at Zuffa thought this would fly?

Thought this would fly? Havent you seen all the sublim sex imagery in disney movies? Youtube it. Its blatantly awesome.

On a side note, i would give up ten years of my life to have my way with that @$$. Phone Post 3.0

ChaosOverkill -
Shiego Manchez - Schaub "implied" on his show that she LOVES anal, cant get enough, and he said she wakes me up riding that, and it aint the V. Phone Post 3.0

lol find the episode and time index and you'll be a UG hero in the Pantheon of greats.

I really hope that Schaub has a nasty falling out with Rousey and the UFC and ends up on Howard Stern dishing out the details like how she insisted on no lube. Phone Post 3.0

gokudamus - Has to be deliberate. 1st in her class is not a common phrase you would think of Phone Post 3.0
This is what I was thinking. Who says that in the UFC ever? Phone Post 3.0

Shiego Manchez - Schaub "implied" on his show that she LOVES anal, cant get enough, and he said she wakes me up riding that, and it aint the V. Phone Post 3.0
Whoa.... Phone Post 3.0

In for schuab audio Phone Post 3.0


In deep. Phone Post 3.0

In Phone Post 3.0

This thread is lacking.

Maybe I'm not 12 years old...

Jack_Bauer - 
studiocamp - 3 pages and no Daffy Duck gif?

Thread is not complete.

Now it's a Dougie thread, VTFU.