Im listening to the latest insidebjj podcast and would like to support these awesome guys with a $20 donation.
Normally they give contributors a tshirt, however instead would it be possible to see Ernest roll with Tim (and tap him with a baby wristlock) and Matt (with a triangle)? Would love to see you guys roll on the mat.
If not, no biggie- I will still you guys.
And ffs someone buy defense soap
Yes. I can arrange this. Not sure about getting Matt on the mat though. He's like an almost extinct animal.
But make sure you guys roll in "THE VERY BEST" mkimonos
I always use the amazon click through on their site to support them. Good idea Kying!
CompanyBlue - I always use the amazon click through on their site to support them. Good idea Kying!
Thanks- can't take credit though- Ernest was the one that actually mentioned it on the last podcast (that he would roll and tap out Tim or Matt for donations).
I will be donating tonight!
I'm arranging a match between Ernest and myself for video. You'd be surprised how well I handle the big man.
Guys you can really support us by checking out the American Cup Tournament stream this weekend. The Inside BJJ crew will be doing the broadcast play by play and commentary.
tim- noticed ernest's profile on your website says "Five years coaching collegic wrestling"
please add "0 years collegic engrish"
on a seperate note- my wife and i will be at a wedding in sacramento in late august. are drop ins for class allowed? mat fees?
Awesome- thanks Tim!
microbiologynerd -Yeah Ernest is a moron for misspelling that and I'm a moron for not spellchecking it.
tim- noticed ernest's profile on your website says "Five years coaching collegic wrestling"
please add "0 years collegic engrish"
on a seperate note- my wife and i will be at a wedding in sacramento in late august. are drop ins for class allowed? mat fees?
microbiologynerd -Yes drop ins are allowed. Shoot me an
tim- noticed ernest's profile on your website says "Five years coaching collegic wrestling"
please add "0 years collegic engrish"
on a seperate note- my wife and i will be at a wedding in sacramento in late august. are drop ins for class allowed? mat fees?
Email when you're here.
there are no morans here, sir.
i think the wedding is 3rd weekend in august or something. i'll hit you guys up then
ernest isnt weak to sexy blue belts from boston, is he?
GrapplersSoul1208 -But make sure you guys roll in "THE VERY BEST" mkimonos
Tim actually does wear an MKimono. Ernest is a bit larger then they offer though.
HAIR-CUT MATCH!!!!!!!!!!!
abnegation - HAIR-CUT MATCH!!!!!!!!!!!Except Ernest has no hair.
Does Ernest just ever let one go while you guys are doing the podcast?
He seems like the kind of guy that wouldn't have a problem ripping a growler and then looking at you like "what bro? you never farted before?"
T-Ham -Yes all the time. Plus he lactose intolerant and soy does not hell him. He drinks a six shot soy latte every show. He also rips them like crazy when rolling.
Does Ernest just ever let one go while you guys are doing the podcast?
He seems like the kind of guy that wouldn't have a problem ripping a growler and then looking at you like "what bro? you never farted before?"
tf1 -abnegation - HAIR-CUT MATCH!!!!!!!!!!!Except Ernest has no hair.
Make him wear a wig for a day!
bjh13 -GrapplersSoul1208 - But make sure you guys roll in "THE VERY BEST" mkimonos
Tim actually does wear an MKimono. Ernest is a bit larger then they offer though.
So does Ernest wear a special made Gi from Bert's big and tall store?