Oops delete this.
<blockquote>E - If you guys are familiar with the Myer-Briggs personality test I'm a rare INTJ. <br /><br />I'm intelligent and excel in extremely complex environments. At 26 I was managing the most complex IT system for a multi billion dollar corporation with only a high school diploma. <br /><br />I pretty much think everyone is stupid, and rather think about complex things. I can't learn in classes, so I just read books. I don't really like social settings.<br /><br />Anyone an INTJ? I kinda wish I was a normal dude.</blockquote><br /><br />I think you spelled it wrong. You are the even more rare RETARD.
WFA is a far more broad, and in my opinion accurate representation of a person's condition than Myer-Briggs.
Just my thought though. Congrats on the intelligence though!
Stevia Seagal - Look at this retard who can't even post in the right forum talking about how much of a super genius he is and how he can't relate to others because he's just so smart
Sorry, lol. Nice!
MBTI is an unreliable instrument that gives everyone a glossy, positive reflection of themselves no matter how much of a dipshit they are.