Invicta FC 5 Card :)

Im excited for this.. I was thinking of making the drive to CA to watch it live

RowdyBec - 
Chromium - 
RowdyBec - 
Mister Collins - You refer to Leslie Smith as the female Nick Diaz. First, will we note the difference? And second, what should we call you? the female McCorkle or..?

I am happy with the female McCorkle, the female Dan Quinn or Miss Attention Whore :)

You decide & have fun with it because I know I do :)

I really don't know if those are the best comparisons. Besides, why you gotta be the female version of a male fighter?

I'ma start calling Ian McCall the male Bec Hyatt instead.

I'm a big Uncle Creepy fan!! I wish I could grow his tash :)

It is possible now.

Just file for TRT exemption.

Everyone is doing it, even Cyborg.

War Veronica!!!! Phone Post

RKing85 - I thought this card was going to be in California?

It was originally but then the location got changed :( I wanted some In & Out Burger damnit!!

RowdyBec - 



Sarah K and Smith should be great.

Another top card coming our way.

In N Out may be the single most over hyped burger ever. It might not even be average! Please don't use that as the American standard.

Bec has great sub defense and great troll defense. Look forward to seeing you fight again! Phone Post

shoudawhouda -  In N Out may be the single most over hyped burger ever. It might not even be average! Please don't use that as the American standard.

Bec has great sub defense and great troll defense. Look forward to seeing you fight again! Phone Post


At ease soldier.An Animal Style 4X4 is the bee`s knees.I can`t show you a picture,but I can show you a single patty Animal Style with chilis.Mmmm look at that toasted bun & grilled onions.Yeah,that`s the ticket.

Don`t forget the Animal Style fries.

Highlight video of Ju Thai. She will be making her Invicta debut on April 5th. She is considered the top WMMA prospect coming out of Brazil.

Blue please help

I like AC/DC`s TNT so I went ahead and embedded it.

^ Cool Vid.


Happy B day bec!



That picture is a culinary monstrosity! It looks like straight vomit, have some respect for yourself fren! Phone Post

Bisping got KOd by Jesus - 

I like AC/DC`s TNT so I went ahead and embedded it.


Animal fries is what everyone always talks about :) I wanna try them!!

Can't wait to see who Rose Namajunas is fighting on this card :)

RowdyBec - 
RKing85 - I thought this card was going to be in California?

It was originally but then the location got changed :( I wanted some In & Out Burger damnit!!


Wait.... WUT?

Crap! I was going to make the drive to Cali for this

Not the In & Out burgers.... there terrible imo

Full card has been finalised & released guys :) I'm on the main card guy... woot woot :)

Pretty solid card! It's a shame that it's not going to happen for almost 2 more months though.