Iole: "solution is one that White has resisted"

Pork Sword - 
Elias Cepeda -  Kevin has done some great work here researching things and its a compelling idea. But ultimately, it wouldn't matter to me because you could not trust testing that the UFC itself paid for. There's a huge conflict of interest there
It clearly says the UFC themselves wouldn't be doing the tests. Outside agency. Phone Post
It clearly says that the outside agency would be paid by/work for the UFC. 

the thing with random testing from a company like that is that it's almost never random. There is always a pattern, or a method that they follow. it would only be a matter of time before fighters figured out a way around that too.

should have been done a long time ago

The doomsday scenario for the UFC would be for a fighter to be seriously injured or killed in a fight and for it to turn out that the opponent had been artificially enhanced by steroids.

Fucking stupid, as is the OP for reposting this garbage. Fuck.

I stopped reading after he said, "Dr. Margaret Goodman. . .". I don't care what facet she would be used for, her ignorant ass needs to stay away from anything MMA related.


This is what victor conte has been saying on his twitter. VADA testing.

But he says dayna wants fighters fighting longer and older. Guys like Handy wouldnt be able to fight if he was constantly being tested

Elias Cepeda -  Kevin has done some great work here researching things and its a compelling idea. But ultimately, it wouldn't matter to me because you could not trust testing that the UFC itself paid for. There's a huge conflict of interest there

Um the UFC pays an agency to do the testing when it goes overseas. How is that any different?

They are still tested by the commission come fight time, but this would reduce incidents like this where they've already booked the fight and 1 month before the card they're finding out Overeem is juicing.

Ask Chris Leben if you can trust UFC testing.

Obie1FaShobie -  The ufc hasnt done this because they know what will happen if they start randomly testing every will not be pretty. And this goes for all sports Phone Post
BTW - what Iole suggests is a nightmare scenario has been going on for years...

Let's be honest here... there are about 5 people in MMA that aren't PEDing...

What's the big problem with Margaret Goodman?

Whambo - 
Elias Cepeda -  Kevin has done some great work here researching things and its a compelling idea. But ultimately, it wouldn't matter to me because you could not trust testing that the UFC itself paid for. There's a huge conflict of interest there

Um the UFC pays an agency to do the testing when it goes overseas. How is that any different?

What the UFC does oversees is not much different and there's a big problem with that as well.

just testing for steroids/etc? Cool

testing for weed, painkillers,etc? A lot of guys would be in for a lifestyle change I bet Phone Post