Ambulance graphics in the opening vid.
announcer has to go!!!
not every sentence ends in an exclamation point!!!
I must live a sheltered life - I've never heard of a single person on here so far other than Shonie and Krazyhorse.
Been on for 5 minutes and I'm already about to turn it way I'll be able to watch the whole thing. Announcer is awful.
T.I. said he's a master of submission. Didn't know he trained.
Swam! Swam! Swam!
This shit sucks so far.
So far, So bad.
T.I. does train and he has for the past 3 years, out in ATL
Oh man I knew it would be bad, did not think it would be this bad....and does anyone else hear Iron Wing when the "announcer/voice over" guy says it...too much gold in the
This shit is lame!!!!!!!
I must not be black enough.
(old shool Schooly D reference, so you don't say I'm racist)
It ain't no thing but an Iwon Wing...
I can't watch that shit.
I really really tried. But I just can't.
Jermaine is the "Master Chief Instructor" - does he know this isn't Halo?
Im not black but I find it interesting that MMA is branching out to other cultures. You have the affliction/ tapout and now you have the Urban Culture. Cant wait to see what there MMA clothes will look like
The only thing cool about this so far is to see Jermaine Andre finally getting some air time...and of course Shonie.
They just showed a bunch of clips from that nightclub fighting DVD Shonie was selling.
Turned it off, I tried. The show is Garbage.
the show sucks.