
D241 -  Also to add to the ironing.....

BOTH Anderson and Wanderlei hail from the same camp=Chute Box


More Ironing-They're both Brazilian!

More ironing they both have legs Phone Post

IwillSuckTheSkinOffYourBone - 
D241 - 
IwillSuckTheSkinOffYourBone - 
D241 - 
Auzzie - IE:Quinton Jackson(2x)
Dan Henderson
Dan Henderson
Vitor Belfort
Forrest Griffin
Nate Marquardt
Yushin Okami

For Andy's list:

You forgot to add Damian Maia, Chael Sonnen (the guy that crushed 2 guys on that list and the concensus #2 middleweight for a while now), rich franklin (the #1 guy before Anderson came on the scene, who was crushed by Andy twice), and Hayato Sakurai (undefeated welterweight Shooto Champ when Andy fought him).

Left out 4 top wins? Ooopss....

Unless Maia and Chael do something significant to make them more credible than they are currently, I did not forget them. Hayato Sakurai fight Anderson was not the champion. I did however, forget to mention Rich Franklin. I think he was the first name I thought of so I thought of everyone else whom I might forget and left out the obvious. My bad Ace.

Then why list Henderson on Wanderleis list? When Wanderlei won Hendo, he wasnt champion, and when he was champion, he lost to Hendo? Double standards again. So drop Hendo, or add Sakurai

 I stated 14 wins AS CHAMPION, not title defenses. So you're wrong on trying to correct me there.
I do however, stand corrected on giving Wanderlei Henderson. My mistake, Wand fought Henderson just before he was champion, and since that was what I was basing my list off of, you can strike him from the record.

Regardless, like the tool you always are fagboy, you try to turn something I'm saying into a debate when I'm not putting anything out there to debate. Correct me on Henderson/Wanderlei, that's fine, but you come at me like I'm suggesting that Wand is better or more proven than Anderson or vice versa. They are BOTH proven legends and if anyone on this message board prefers one over the other, I have NO problem with that. I think it's you who flips a shit if someone compares to your precious Anderson Silva.

 So you hold a guy with 13-8 record in UFC as high as a guy with 15-0 record in UFC? Lol, Anderson has 15 wins as an champion in UFC.

Its still funny how you got calling me fag when I point out that Wanderlei isnt near the caliber of Anderson in accomplishments, not as a "champion" or as careerwise, If Anderson would have lost 9543687 times during his championship run, he wouldnt be champion. Wanderlei lost helluva times, which just shows, those fights werent championship worth of fights, there were no risk of losing the title, so winning a fight when not be able to lose it, does not count as much as an actual title defense.

You listed all wins Wanderlei had during his championship time, yet you only listed the bouts of Anderson when he actually defended his title. Amazing.

And you listed 9-8 record guy as a worthy win of Wanderlei, comparable to Belfort, Okami,Hendo, Sonnen, Rich, Sakurai, Griffin? Heck Leben had better career than Yoshida.

What a tool

 Congradulations on your long winded reply. Way to go, you proved to me that you like Anderson more than Wanderlei, whooptie do. It's understandable if a fan likes Anderson more, and it's understandable if a fan likes Wanderlei more. Congrats, you know which guy you like more.

Now keep on writing up an essay in debate mode when nobody is debating you. What a tool.

Anderson gets the nod overall, but Wand's win over Saku is the biggest win on either guy's list.

Taking on Hunt, Fujita and Cro Cop. That's balls right there.

I'm not convinced Anderson beats Mirko, Hunt or Arona for that matter. Phone Post

IwillSuckTheSkinOffYourBone -  Oh its layanpraydicktucker, coming to thread only to bash not to talk about anything, and when confronted and asked about mma, flies away without facts. The real UG antihero

 Gotta give you credit for being incredibly predictable and ironic, in a thread about irony.

Can you tell us all again what Fedor had to do with the thread and wqhy you felt the need to shit all over him in an Andy vs Wandy thread?